A great video from our good friend Jimmy B & Linda A Rohara on Phase 1 of the Bridge Experiment – A great initiative to further the peaceful contact process with our ET friends.
A message from Linda & Jimmy – Initiators of the Bridge experiment:
“I am very excited to share the results of “The Bridge Experiment” (phase 1), a consciousness experiment which I have been conducting with my dear friend Linda A-Roraha for several weeks now.
Important notes:
1) The night vision cameras employed at both locations were identical: Luna Optics LN-DM50-HRSD
2) In California, a sophisticated satellite tracking application was systematically employed in order to eliminate any false positive. None of the sightings were satellites.
3) Generally, the requested sightings occurred within minutes of observation.
4) As most of us know, these sightings were NOT produced to entertain us. They are full of significance and the message behind each one of them is what really matters.
Love and Light” Filmed and Uploaded by Jimmy B & Linda A Rohara and is reposted in its entirety with no alterations and with permission from Both Parties. (Thank you both for sharing) Hundreds of thousands of people around the globe are now aware that we are not alone and practice the CE-5 Protocols on a monthly basis to peacefully interact with star visitors. CE-5 is a term describing a fifth category of close encounters with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI), characterized by mutual, bilateral communication rather than unilateral contact. The CE-5 Initiative has as its central focus bilateral ETI-human communication based on mutual respect and universal principles of exchange and contact. CE types 1-4 are essentially passive, reactive and ETI initiated. A CE-5 is distinguished from these by conscious, voluntary and proactive human-initiated or cooperative contacts with ETI. Evidence exists indicating that CE-5s have successfully occurred in the past, and the inevitable maturing of the human/ETI relationship requires greater research and outreach efforts into this possibility. While ultimate control of such contact and exchange will (and probably should) remain with the technologically more advanced intelligent life forms (i.e., ETI), this does not lessen the importance of conscientious, voluntary human initiatives, contact and follow-up to conventional CE-s types 1-4.
Source of video: CE-5 Academy
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