The proverbial Holy Grail of human discovery, human curiosity, the history of human consciousness, which has taken many forms, transcending primitive myth, spirituality, religion, philosophy, and modern science, is, has always been, and always will be, Why is there something, rather than nothing? Is there a reason for it all? A cause? Where, when, how, and why did it all begin, and where, when, how, and why will it all end, if ever? What is this stuff we call Reality, Existence; what is the origin of the Universe; who or what is God? I think of it often, and it always, literally, blows my mind.
The aforementioned disciplines have all tried, futilely, to discover the answers to these questions. Understand, before going any further, that all discoveries or concepts within these fields of thought are just that: thought. They are manifestations of the mind, and thus can never approach what is ultimately infinite and immeasurable. What follows is a puny, shoddy description of the infinite. No combination of words, using all of the countless syllables in all the languages of the world, can come close to describing a single blade of grass, much less the entirety of existence. These discoveries in science – and many of them are currently so untestable that they are largely considered philosophical – are, to me, the proverbial finger pointing at the moon. They point to a way of viewing the Cosmos that ultimately can only be “understood” through simple, silent contemplation, free from the graspings and labellings of the mind.
Even mainstream, conventional discoveries in the field of quantum mechanics and string theory, as well as other related, exotic theories, present pictures of reality so outside our view of rational that many physicists are loathe to even consider them. For me, if you’re going to delve into science, proof is always paramount, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. But what must first be redefined or reconsidered is our understanding of what rational is. What does it mean to be rational, to think rationally? Have you ever examined your perception of the rational and pondered where it came from, whether or not it is a product of your experience, or a meme implanted in your mind by someone else? And if it arises from an external source, do they have an agenda behind it? Are they motivated to help you or hinder you? Why should you trust them?
The old scientific disciplines tell us a very bleak story about our existence and relationship to the Universe. They tell us we are mechanical beings functioning solely as the vehicle for our genetics to express themselves from generation to generation, that we exist inside and separate from a predictable machine Universe with strict, stone-set laws governing everything, some would say even the concepts of free will. Your thoughts, your actions, your choices, are not your own, but a minuscule, insignificant factor in the inevitable unfolding of events set forth according to the laws of the Universe created at the Big Bang. What happened before the Big Bang; what caused the Big Bang? We don’t consider such questions, or pretend they’re unimportant. All we know is, the Universe is dead and meaningless. This view of course informs our view of ourselves, with these views of separateness and disconnect from our environment being the source of the violence and destruction that permeates our “civilization”.
The new emerging sciences no longer focus exclusively on the objective, but also on the subjective, because, as will be demonstrated, observations and experiment are showing that the Universe could not exist if consciousness were not present to observe. These new disciplines postulate that we did not come into this world, we came out of it, like a wave on the ocean; that everything, from the deepest fractal division to the most expansive fractal multiplication of this infinite Universe is ultimately One, inseparable, indivisible. This new discipline might seem crazy, and no doubt it is dangerously counterintuitive to the way we experience reality, so that it is widely deemed as irrational by the scientific establishment. However it seems to me that, given the proven fact that our senses are so utterly futile in perceiving the world around us that it can hardly be said we experience reality at all, no one, no group or organization, no matter how credentialed, has the right to tell us that some exotic theory or radical interpretation of experiment or observation is irrational.
Many established and accepted observations of experiments have shown that actual reality and our perception of reality through our senses – much of what we base our definition of rational on – are almost always at violent odds. And, if history is any guide, much of what established science considers irrational today may very well be common, assumed knowledge a century from now – and then be proven wrong at a later date. We are constantly learning, constantly accumulating and tossing away, so that if one is truly wise he understands that the more one knows the more he knows he knows nothing. Anyway, as David Bohm put it, no theory could ever be complete because the Universe, this Reality, may very well be infinite. To me, the most important concept in the realm of science is maybe. Or, to give it another name, humility.
The purpose of this work is to explore the properties of what is most commonly referred to as space. Space, often referred to as the void or the vacuum, the aether, etc, might seem to most people to be empty and unsubstantial, uninteresting, but discoveries in the fields of quantum mechanics, particle physics and cosmology are showing us that space is not empty; that it is not a vacuum at all, but a plenum. It is filled with an energy, a power beyond comprehension. These disciplines, along with molecular biology and even neuroscience, are showing us that space might be what our ancient ancestors called akasha, Brahman, or the Tao, and what contemporary physicists and philosophers call the Field, the Source Field, the Divine Matrix, the implicate order, or the Holofractographic Universe, and others. It could also be referred to as the Cosmos, Universe, Reality, or even God. These are all words, thought forms, referring to essentially the same thing.
The culmination of thousands of years of philosophy, spirituality, and radical science is showing us that space is not something separate from us; it is what is. It is what everything is made of, and out of which all creation springs forth. It is a unified field of energy, whose vibrational frequencies and interference patterns create the material world, which not only exhibits characteristics of a conscious mind, but might be in its entirety, if that can be defined, pure consciousness itself. Whatever conclusions you draw, the information presented here is astounding, way outside the box, and, it is my hope, will open your mind to a new view of reality that will inspire you to abandon old, dead notions of your Self and the Universe, the Reality that you are a part of and inseparable from.
Nature Abhors a Vacuum
For thousands of years, the ancients viewed stellar objects as permanently fixed within crystalline spheres encasing the earth, stars being the holes in the firmament through which light from the divine fire shined through. In Greek mythology the space between the terrestrial and heavenly spheres was called Aether, represented as an elemental god of the upper air that the gods of Olympus breathed.
Galileo’s invention of the telescope and the observations this tool made possible wrote the eulogy for mythological views of the cosmos, until Isaac Newton put forth what was at the time a new and radical idea of the nature of space: space was a thing unto itself. Through the ages, the concept of the aether evolved from the breath of the gods to the substance or field thought to be necessary as a transmission medium for the propagation of electromagnetic or gravitational forces. Newton described space as the stage on or in which all events took place. It was the stuff that all other stuff moved in relation to. To Newton, space was stagnant and passive; the stage didn’t affect events, and events didn’t affect the stage. This view, while somewhat incomplete (as all theories are), prevailed for hundreds of years, and in many respects is still to this day perfectly applicable; Newton’s theories were accurate enough to launch satellites into space, and even to calculate the trajectories necessary to land spacecraft on the moon, or put them into orbit around other planets. Newtonian physics guided Voyager One to the outer planets and now to the very boundary of our solar system.
Newton proposed the existence of space but, like gravity, didn’t know nor try to explain exactly what it was. Until long after Newton’s death, with the famous Michelson Morley experiment in 1887, space was considered to be the mysterious aether. It is unfortunate that, though well done for its time, an experiment done with such relatively primitive technology stands as the knife in the heart to the concept of aether, because, though none dare call it the aether, such a substance does indeed exist, and has been proven almost beyond doubt. We’ll return to this later.
Light-speed Reality:
Speed is defined as the relationship between the time it takes us to travel a particular distance, as in how many miles you travel in an hour – miles per hour (I live in America; sincere apologies to the rest of the world for my backwardness). In the every day world, we never move fast enough to perceive changes in time and space in relation to ourselves when we are in motion or at rest. But if we could begin to approach the speed of light, these changes would become apparent. And startling.
The discovery of electricity gave rise to new ideas, concepts and technologies that would’ve been inconceivable in Newton’s time, two hundred years prior. Nineteenth century innovations and theories gave rise to understandings about electricity, magnetism, and light. For Albert Einstein, who needs no introduction, the speed and behavior of light intrigued him. The behavior of light, which incidentally he believed required the presence of aether in order for this wave to travel through, was perhaps the first insight into just how absurd our world really is, and just how out of touch our perception was with what really goes on.
Newton receives credit for the discovery of gravity and an accurate approximation of its strength, but it was never explained what exactly gravity was until Einstein published his second theory on relativity, known as General Relativity, in 1916. General Relativity theorized that objects in space warped spacetime, and that gravity was the expression of this warping. In other words, gravity is the shape of spacetime. The more massive the object the greater spacetime’s curvature, causing stronger gravity. Experiments validating the predictions of Relativity have shown that space is tangible, space is real, and it doesn’t exist independent of the events that take place within it. Events affect space; space affects events. There is no escaping it. The grand cosmic drama and the stage it exists in are One, single occurrence.
It is a common hallucination to view this space as something outside of you, like a vast ocean you are swimming in, usually unaware of it. But inner-space and outer-space are really the same thing. As you examine the world at smaller and smaller scales, what appears to be ordered and condensed begins to become disordered, random and spread out, so that as you approach the scale of the atom you discover, contrary to the way your senses experience reality, that you are made up almost entirely of empty space. What we think of as matter – the solid world, the floor, the table, the earth, the moon, planetary and stellar objects, etc – is actually composed of atoms that are 99.999999% empty space. If you could enlarge a hydrogen atom so that it’s single-proton nucleus was the size of a basketball, its electron would orbit approximately 20 miles away. In between is space.
Space is so pervasive that, despite what our senses tell us, it is space that defines objects, not the objects which create space, because almost all that we observe around us is practically not there at all. That includes you – as you sit there looking at your legs and your arms, you see yourself; you don’t see through your body. You can feel the substance of your body as it interacts with the substance of your environment: the chair or the couch, the table, the keyboard. If there is wind or a fan, you can feel the air move against you; it doesn’t pass through you.
What Exists in the Space Between?
Here, Sariputra, form is emptiness and the very emptiness is form; emptiness does not differ from form, form does not differ from emptiness; whatever is form, that is emptiness, whatever is emptiness, that is form, the same is true of feelings, perceptions, impulses and consciousness. – Buddhist Heart Sutra
If space is tangible and exists as a thing, as stuff, then what is it? What is it made of? Does it have a function? It is hard to measure something that we don’t commonly see or experience. Intuition tell us that space would be empty. There’s nothing there. And yet the equations of quantum mechanics, which, incomplete as we known them to be, have never been shown to be wrong through observation, predicts that the vacuum, that space, should contain energy, mass, and density, energy created by what are known of as virtual particles and antiparticles popping into existence, colliding and annihilating each other, creating an amount of energy that is utterly inconceivable.
A way to find out if this subtle energy existed was conceived by Dutch physicist Hendrick Casimir. Two metal plates were set extremely close together in a vacuum. If this energy existed even within the “nothing” of the vacuum, some wavelengths will be short enough to fit between them, bouncing back and forth, while others will not. As the two plates move closer to each other, the longer waves will no longer fit – the result being that the total amount of energy in the vacuum between the plates will be a bit less than the amount outside of them. Thus, the plates will attract each other, just as two objects held together by a stretched spring will move together as the energy stored in the spring decreases. This experiment showed vacuum energy existed, but just how much energy are we talking about?
In the field of mathematical physics, there are two types of infinities that equations will produce. The first is an infinitely small number, which is so small that it can be set aside or dismissed completely; it’s no big deal, and the equation and theory still functions. Infinitely large numbers, however, are called nasty infinities and are too large to be dismissed without throwing the whole equation or theory in the trash. According to quantum theory, the energy of the vacuum should have a density that is or is near infinite. Aside from the fact that infinity cannot be accounted for mathematically, it seems irrational that the vacuum density in a single cubic centimeter of vacuum would have more energy than is found in what is thought to be a finite Universe with a finite density, mass, and energy.
In order to come up with a number they could wrap their heads around, by way of mathematical wizardry physicists removed this infinity through a process known as renormalization. They accomplished this by taking the smallest theorized wavelength that could possibly occur in the Universe, a number known as a Planck Length, which has a distance of 1.616×10-35m – many billions of times smaller than an atom – with a mass of 10-5g. They calculated the number of these distances which could fit inside a cubic centimeter; this would give them a finite number for the density of the vacuum. The number they came up with was still staggeringly huge: 1093g/cm3. That’s 1 with 93 zeroes after it.
Imagine before you, in your mind’s eye, a chalk board. Now imagine you had to write a 1 with 93 zeroes after it. A billion only has nine zeroes, and a trillion, which has 12 zeroes, is a thousand times larger than a billion. Extrapolate that further more than 80 orders of magnitude. We’re dealing with numbers so large that it’s difficult to wrap your mind around. Even more mind-blowing, imagine you could toss all of the mass in the Universe into an enormous trash compactor and squeeze it all – all the galaxies, the quasars, the black holes and stellar objects, all the planets; everything – into the size of a sugar cube. The density of that cubic centimeter would “only” be 1055g. In other words, the density of all the matter in the Universe squeezed into that single cubic centimeter would still be somewhere along the lines of 39 orders of magnitude less dense than a single cubic centimeter of vacuum energy. The contrast shown here strains credulity.
So here we are swimming in a sea of unimaginable energy density, completely unaware of it, as a fish is unaware of the water it swims in. It seems impossible, since we all know that if we stood at ground zero of the most powerful hydrogen bomb ever exploded (the Soviet Tzar Bomb, 50 megatons), we’d be incinerated instantly. And yet we are surrounded by a vacuum energy with a density that some have described as a trillion Tzar bombs going off within a space the size of a sugar cube. How do we survive? How do we not notice this energy, and, more importantly, is it possible to harness it? It would seem as though only a fraction of this energy could allow us to travel the galaxy and beyond with great ease.
The Structure of the Vacuum
The vector equilibrium is the zero starting point for happenings and non-happenings; it is the empty theater and empty circus and empty Universe ready to accommodate any act and any audience. – Buckminster Fuller
The idea that such energy exists is still, to say the least, extremely uncomfortable for many physicists. Many of them are quick to boast that quantum theory has never been proven wrong by experiment, yet when the subject of the infinite energy density of the vacuum is breached, the idea is swept under the carpet, or explained by adding additional exotic mathematical models such as Grassman numbers and supersymmetry, positing additional, “anticommuting” dimensions of space, which, unlike vacuum energy shown by the Casimir effect, are as of yet unobserved. This is likely due to the fact that the Casimir effect, though profound, is relatively weak compared to the amount of energy we’re trying to find. As Stephen Hawking put it, such density and its accompanying gravity would curve all of spacetime into a single point, which obviously hasn’t happened. Later on I’ll provide a theory positing that this actually does happen.
Theoretical physicist Nassim Haramein is not a household name like Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein. He’s not even very well known among those who follow theoretical physics, or, if he is, his concepts are generally frowned upon. People who conceive of ideas that would change the world in such a way that old, crippling paradigms and social structures would become obsolete and exposed as oppressive, people like Nikola Tesla before him, usually are.

Fuller’s isotropic vector matrix: 20 tetrahedrons, or 4-sided pyramids, which are the most stable of all geometric solids. These are arranged in 4 tiers, or frequencies – with 10, 6, 3, and 1 on each tier, respectively, forming a larger tetrahedron as a whole. Image source: Black Whole, Gaiam Productions
Haramein became fascinated with geometry and the structure of reality at an early age. Eventually, when confronted with the immense energy of the vacuum and why we do not experience it, taking inspiration from the work of legendary geometrist Buckminster Fuller he deduced that the answer could lie within the geometric structure of the forces of the vacuum energy. Fuller had pioneered work on what he termed the four frequency isotropic vector matrix, or vector equilibrium, which he saw as the fundamental blueprint of the Universe, and Haramein believed this was the answer to discovering the structure of the vacuum.
Examining this matrix, he determined it was only one piece of the puzzle, because these stacked tetrahedrons contained negative spaces, in the shape of octahedrons, which are two 4-sided pyramids base-to-base, like a three dimensional diamond shape. Deeper within the vector matrix was another set of negative-negative spaces, which were inverse tetrahedrons rotated 180 degrees. Haramein had to solve these negative spaces, he felt, because in order for it to be truly isotropic – that is, according to definition, not varying in magnitude according to the direction of measurement – the vector matrix could not be asymmetrical.

Because everything in the Universe spins, the matrix had to be polarized, and so two were stacked back-to back. A toroidal field that would surround this structure should be spherical, but this produced an oval or egg shape. Image source: Black Whole, Gaiam Productions
For this immense power to remain subtle and still, at least to our perception, all forces must cancel each other out, otherwise the structure would be unstable and collapse. With that amount of energy, the result would not be favorable to the Universe.

Haramein eventually realized that if he rotated one vector metric 180 degrees, he could “marry” the two to each other, with all positive interior tetrahedrons perfectly filling the negative spaces, almost like the female awaiting the male counterpart whereby no two tetrahedrons occupied the same space, and the negative spaces in the center were eliminated. This formed a single a star tetrahedron made of 40 smaller tetrahedrons. The center of these structure formed the cuboctahedron, which is the only geometrical form that has perfect vector equilibrium, or singularity at its center. Though this geometry is in perfect symmetry, it still has inherent functional instability, which I’ll explain in later. Image source: Black Whole, Gaiam Productions
This means that all force vectors must be of equal length and angular relationship. Ultimately, a geometric pattern in perfect equilibrium in two dimensions of space produces a hexagon, or in three dimensions, the cuboctahedron. Haramein felt that this must be the geometry of the vacuum, because it is the only possible structure whereby all forces cancel each other out, and appear to us to be empty space, pure stillness: as in the eye of the hurricane.

The cuboctahedron: vector equilibrium. Image source:
Finally, resolving all asymmetries within this geometrical structure, he produced the 64 tetrahedral grid. This grid contained not only the central singularity but also an equilibrium radiating from it at a higher fractal or octave; this structure thus could be multiplied or divided into infinite octaves (see below). Is this the Universe as we experience it? Do we live in an infinite fractal Universe?

Fractal octaves of the tetrahedron. Image source: Black Whole, Gaiam Productions
The Fundamental Pattern of Division
As Above, so Below, that the miracle of One be accomplished. – Hermes Trismegistus
According to Haramein, the characteristics of matter are an expression of a fundamental division of the vacuum. Along with Elizabeth Rauscher, he derived a scaling law whereby the structures we find within the Universe, from the Planck distance to the observable Universe as a whole, lay along a scale structured by the phi ratio.
The phi ratio – 1.6180339887… – is an irrational mathematical constant; two quantities will represent phi, also known as the golden ratio, if the ratio of the sum of the quantities to the larger quantity is equal to the ratio of the larger quantity to the smaller one, or, perfect mathematical harmony. To put it another way, a line is divided into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part:
a/b = (a+b)/a = 1.6180339887…
You could divide or multiply in such a way to infinity.
A related concept is the Fibonacci sequence, which is a series of numbers continuing to infinity by adding up the two numbers before it. Starting with 0 and 1, 1+1=2+1=3+2=5+3=8+5=13; and on through 21, 34, 55, etc, where each number added to the one before it gives you the next number in the sequence. Each step up in the Fibonacci sequence, in relation to the number before it, brings you closer to phi – ie 34 divided by 21 equals 1.61904…; 55 divided by 34 equals 1.61764; next progression (89): 1.61818…;and then (144) 1.61797…; and so on. Using either phi or by graphing out Fibonacci numbers geometrically (left), we see that much of what we observe in the natural world obeys these constants, from the spiral of your DNA (a DNA molecule measures 34 angstroms by 21 angstroms at each full cycle of the double helix spiral; 21 and 34 are successive Fibonacci numbers) to the spirals of hurricanes, galaxies and much more.
In the mid Nineteenth Century the German mathematician and philosopher Adolf Zeising first documented the existence of phi ratios in nature, particularly in branches along the stems of plants, as well as in the veins of leaves. He later discovered them within animal skeletal, nervous, and circulatory systems. For example, the relationship between each joint between the tip of your fingers to your shoulder is in harmony with phi, each bone being about 1.618 times longer than the one before it. In 2003 Volkmar and Harald Weiss discovered that the golden ratio underlies the clock cycle of brain waves. As Zeising put it, phi is “a universal law in which is contained the ground-principle of all formative striving for beauty and completeness in the realms of both nature and art, and which permeates, as a paramount spiritual ideal, all structures, forms and proportions, whether cosmic or individual, organic or inorganic, acoustic or optical; which finds its fullest realization, however, in the human form.”
Haramein theorized that, like much of the natural world around us, all structures in the Universe might have a scale unification to them, which he sought to show by graphing the relationship between their frequency, or energy level (measured in Hz) and their radius:

Haramein/Rauscher Scaling Law
This scaling law shows that just about every structure, or boundary condition, in the Universe falls along a linear progression anywhere between the Planck length and the observable Universe, and the data points obeyed a very close approximation to the phi ratio. They had proved, as Zeising claimed, that the Universe obeyed a specific dynamic symmetry, whereby phi represented the scaling unification law of all of creation. It is the fingerprint or signature of the Universe.
The Infinite is impossible for the mind to comprehend, especially through the lens of our mechanistic paradigm of Reality. Standing between us and infinity is the idea that distance, as well as time, fundamentally, are real, tangible; in reality they are merely constructs of the mind. There is no over there; there is no then, or when. There is only here, and now. This might sound like spiritual mumbo jumbo in the midst of what I am at least trying to convey as a serious discussion on science, but it is actually true. There is literally nothing that separates you from anything else, no time, or distance. This is counterintuitive to the way we experience reality in our present state of consciousness, much less the supposed laws of relativity. But in the quantum realm, which makes up the macro realm, objects quite often behave as if what we think of as time and space have no meaning, or meanings that are baffling and bizarre.

Quantum Weirdness:
Take as a hypothetical example the element positronium, an extremely unstable and short-lived element, consisting of an electron and a positron, which is an electron with a positive charge, ie the electron’s antiparticle. These two quickly annihilate each other, releasing two quanta of light, or photons – quanta being the plural for quantum, which is a term used to denote subatomic phenomena that embody both particle and wave function. These two quanta created in the same event become what is called entangled; their properties are linked, despite the space between them, and what happens to one particle instantly affects the other, as though the message between them telling them how to behave did not have to travel through space at all. The distance does not matter; an entire universe could separate them, but the effect would still be instantaneous. Image Source: Nature, October 2006 (vol 2 no 10
During the early years of quantum theory, a theoretical, at-the-time unobserved construct known as entanglement (right) baffled and frustrated scientists. To conceptualize this, imagine you took a pair of entangled electrons, and sent one of them, along with a measuring device, to the other side of the known Universe. Electrons like all particles exhibit a behavior known as spin, and, strangely, as we’ll examine in more detail later, due to a strange property of subatomic phenomena, this spin is random and incoherent, until it is measured, or observed, in which case the act of observation forces the electron to “choose” either a clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. So you have these two electrons spinning in a random indeterminate haze; now measure the spin of the electron on earth, and you will find that whatever spin this electron “chooses”, the electron at the other side of the Universe will always – always – “choose” the opposite spin. This “communication” between the two occurs instantaneously, as though a message traveled between that transcended space and time. They immediately “know” what spin their twin particle would have, and “choose” the opposite.
This concept disturbed Einstein in particular, who mocked the effect as “spooky action at a distance”, since this instantaneous “communication” between the photons violently contradicts Relativity’s universal speed limit (his own theory of this phenomenon is described here). Unfortunately for science it would be many decades before the technology became available for the effect to be observed. During the interim, it was shown, at least mathematically, that if entanglement isn’t a function of the laws of quantum mechanics, then the entirety of the theory would collapse. It was finally proven by John Bell and Alain Aspect, and has been further demonstrated by experiment many times over since that time.
What this means is that reality is fundamentally non-local, or hyperdimensional. Fundamentally, there’s no way to accurately pinpoint any one location within its structure, and then say another separate point is located somewhere else, and deduce that a unit or units of measurement, either in space or in time, lay between them. The flaw in Einstein’s protest against entanglement is the perception that two entangled quanta are separate from each other; they are not. They are fundamentally One, and the distance separating them is an illusion. This seems spectacularly impossible, until you consider that the only known construct that can explain such a non-local reality is a hologram.
The Holographic Illusion
Most people when they think of holograms think of the image of R2-D2 projecting the image of Princess Leia in the movie Star Wars. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope. They imagine this and don’t put much thought into what a hologram is, or how it’s generated. Just some science wizardry, a novelty they don’t understand. But the concept behind it is not very complicated.
A laser beam is fired into a splitter, which creates two beams from the original. One beam passes through a diffuser lens and strikes the object to be imaged, the beam then reflects off of it onto a piece of holographic imaging film; the other beam passes through a set of mirrors and a diffuser lens, and finally strikes the holographic imaging film, creating an interference pattern with the image of the object. The interference pattern on the plate looks entirely incoherent, random and scrambled, like a handful of rocks dropped into a calm lake. Yet when a laser is then shone on the holographic plate, a three-dimensional holographic image of the original object appears above it.
This is an interesting trick, but what is truly fascinating about the hologram is that if I took a holographic plate with the image of, say, an apple imaged in it, and I cut that plate into any number of pieces of any size or shape, when I shined a laser on one of them, I would not see part of the apple; I would still see the entire apple with a diminished scale and coherence. What this implies is the whole is contained within all of its parts – the entire image of the apple exists on the plate at all points, and there is literally no way to divide the plate – no amount of divisions, no specific parts of the plate – where you would get an image of anything other than the complete apple.
The holographic model introduces us to another not-so-well known physicist, David Bohm. Like Einstein and not a small number of other physicists of his day, and even today, Bohm was disillusioned with establishment quantum theory. Bohm proposed a new level of fundamental, underlying reality he called the quantum potential, which, unlike gravitational or electromagnetic fields, did not diminish in influence over space and time. In this field of potential, subatomic particles are not seen as separate things, but components within an indivisible system. Though this provided a possible explanation for quantum paradoxes like entanglement, it was of course looked at as heresy by the scientific establishment.
Classical science has always viewed the Universe as the sum of the interaction of all its parts, like an elaborate cosmic grandfather clock. Bohm’s quantum potential turned this concept on its head, with the parts being defined by the conditions of the whole. Within this unified whole, tangible reality is an illusion, a ghostly image blossoming from a more fundamental, underlying order, like the interference pattern on a holographic film that projects the illusion of the apple when a laser is shown through it. According to Bohm, this is the fundamental structure of reality: an intricate web of interference patterns generated by fluctuations within the vacuum – what Bohm called the implicate order, or enfolded reality. The incoherent interference patterns of the implicate order unfold and manifest as the multi-dimensional holographic illusion – or explicate order – we perceive as everyday reality when the “light” of consciousness interacts with it.
This new model, which Bohm came to call the holomovement – holograms being rather dead and lifeless things – provided explanations for many aspects of quantum theory physicists described as “spooky” or weird, phenomena such as subatomic particles popping in and out of existence – where do they come from? Where do they go? They unfold out of the implicate into the explicate and back into it. According to Haramein this movement actually involves an exchange of information, which we’ll explore later.
Similarly, the dual wave/particle behavior of quanta are created by the constant flowing exchanges between the two orders – both wave and particle functions are enfolded within the implicate; how they manifest depends on how the observer interacts with it, just as holographic film can contain multiple illusions that manifest depending on what angle the laser hits the plate. Within the holomovement, as defined by the characteristics of the hologram, there is no definition of location, since any fragmented piece of the original image always contains the entire image. This could explain quantum non-locality, in which time and space seemingly have no meaning, the observable reality being birthed from the seamless fabric of the implicate order, and all notions of components or separateness thus meaningless.
Not just space and time, as Einstein showed, but all of reality is unified into one unbroken continuum. The 10,000 particular things we see around us are, despite appearances, not different, not particular, not separate; they are One. Particular things are merely abstractions of the mind, what Bohm called “relatively independent sub-totalities”. Picture a wave on the ocean, or an eddy in a river; you distinguish them from the whole yet they are not separate from the whole.
Black Hole Universes
Considering the model of the universe we’ve been constructing here, describing a vacuum density of infinite energy, as well as a holographic universe where the whole is contained within the parts, eventually one arrives at the problem of the black hole. For if the parts are defined by the whole, not the other way around, then if there is even one singularity – ie, a black hole – in the Universe, then we would expect the entire Universe to be defined by the conditions of the singularity. Let’s examine how this could be possible.
Classical physics often uses the following analogy to explain how (but not why) the Universe expands. You take a flaccid balloon, and glue pennies, representing galaxies, all over it. When you blow air into the balloon, the balloon expands, and each penny appears to move away from all the other pennies. Haramein took issue with this, because it offers no explanation for who’s inflating the balloon – what’s driving the expansion. For when you blow up a balloon, the balloon expands, while your lungs contract – for every action, an equal and opposite reaction. Where is the contraction coming from that’s causing our Universe to expand?
Science would probably have ignored this conundrum if not for one stubborn fact: the Universe isn’t just expanding; the expansion is accelerating. This contradicts what would almost seem intuitive in terms of relativistic physics. If the big bang were an event which exploded or radiated all of the matter and energy outward, we would expect that gravity would at minimum slow the expansion down, if not halt it altogether, causing it all to recontract back into a singularity (the “big crunch”). And as establishment scientists are wont to do, rather than consider that their theories, not in sync with observation, were wrong or incomplete, they introduced new, exotic, unknown variables into their equations such as “dark energy”.
By now you might be saying to yourself, well, duh, your equations demand an infinite amount of energy within the vacuum; maybe that’s causing the accelerated expansion. However the standard model most physicists cling to claims the vacuum energy is insignificant and that dark energy must be some new exotic form of energy they are trying, to no avail, observe and measure.
Not all physicists are comfortable with these explanations of singularities, whereby all time and space come to a violent halt and no physical explanation can be derived for why or what happens. For example, quantum loop gravity theory postulates that, moving backwards in time, as all the matter and energy in the Universe comes together, rather than being squeezed into an infinitely small point, it crosses what is known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge, or wormhole, into another older universe. What might create such a gateway between two universes? A black hole.
According to many physicists, including Haramein, the contraction causing the “balloon” that is our Universe to expand comes from across that wormhole created by a black hole in an older, larger parent Universe at a higher octave of existence. They theorize that the Universe we live in is, in fact, a black hole, and within this model all other black holes create new universes, perhaps harboring intelligent life, pondering what happens inside the black hole, or who lives within the universes they create.
Like much we have been discussing, this concept seems counterintuitive to the way we imagine black holes behaving, particularly because we imagine a black hole to be…black. But black holes are only black because the light within them cannot penetrate the event horizon. Within the black hole, light isn’t crushed into the singularity, but merely continuously curled inward by the black hole’s infinite space-time curvature. On a universal scale, with all of the matter and energy in the Universe, a beam of light sent in any direction would constantly be curved by gravitational fields from all directions, redirected by galaxies and quasars and superclusters, etc, so that it would never breach the event horizon – the boundary of our Universe.
Further, we think of black holes as being a whole lot of energy and matter squished into a small space by massive gravitational forces, and yet, as shown below, describing the Universe holographically, finite boundaries contain infinities. The whole is contained in all its parts, no matter how small the division.

Take the initial boundary condition [1], a two dimensional circle (although in three dimensions this would be a sphere). This is then divided [2] by an equilateral triangle, or tetrahedron, which is then polarized [3] by an inverted equilateral triangle (forming a star tetrahedron in three dimensions), since everything in the Universe exhibits spin. From the six points formed by the equilateral triangles within the initial boundary condition, new boundary conditions are created [4], each with distinct geometrical centers within spacetime [5]. These boundary conditions are then polarized [6], creating new boundary conditions [7], which can then be polarized further [8], and further, creating an infinite fractal division, infinite information contained within the initial boundary condition, and infinite information within each new boundary condition within the original. Image source: Black Whole, Gaiam Productions.
Conceptualizing this, it becomes easier to wrap the mind around how infinite amounts of information can be stored in tiny divisions of space, and one sees our Universe as a fractal division of a larger boundary condition; an entire Universe can be found within, say, a single subatomic particle, with intelligent beings within observing “subatomic” particles, wondering if they, too, contain universes within them. In thinking of this I am reminded of the scene at the end of the movie Men in Black, with alien children playing with marbles containing entire universes within them.
So far we’ve described the Universe in its totality as a black hole. Within classical physics, enormous amounts of gravity are required to account for infinite curvatures of spacetime, and we are told that anything less than about twice as massive as our sun doesn’t make the cut. However if the singularity exists at all points at all times, then they are contained within everything – within every boundary condition that makes up the entire Universe. Do subatomic particles, such as the proton, contain enough mass to be considered a black hole?
The standard proton has a mass of 1.67262178 × 10-24g. It’s extremely small, and in and of itself would have pretty much no measurable gravity. Strangely, a proton’s constituent sub-subatomic particles – three quarks – account for only 1% of the proton’s mass. For this reason, like dark matter/energy, scientists had to invent a new force – the Strong Force – not only to account for the proton’s missing mass, but also to explain how subatomic particles in the nucleus of the atom overcome the electro-static charge known as the Coulomb Force that otherwise causes positively charged particles such as two protons within an atomic nucleus to repel each other.
Another oddity with the standard proton is that it diverges considerably from the Haramein-Rauscher scaling law. It would seem that if just about everything between the Planck and universal scales fell within a linear progression, such a fundamental boundary condition should fall in line as well; it’s not even close. However, when the vacuum density within the volume of the proton is taken into account, the proton’s density is dramatic: 1055g/cm3. You may have noticed that number came up earlier: it is the energy density of all the matter and energy in the entire Universe, found within the vacuum density of a single proton. This also placed the proton squarely within the linear progression of all other objects mapped by Haramein’s scaling law.
Obviously this new calculation for the gravitational effect of the proton makes it orders of magnitude stronger than what would be necessary for it to be a black hole, and thus properly measured we find that its gravity is exactly strong enough to overcome the Coulomb Force. This black hole proton eliminates the need for all subatomic forces and unifies Quantum Mechanics and Relativistic physics behind two fundamental forces: gravity and electromagnetism.
Relativity With a Twist
Einstein’s general relativity theory, though profoundly beautiful, is likely to be amended. That amendment will somehow entangle spin and rotation. – Nobel laureate C.N Yang
The obvious question that must now be tackled is, if every atom in the Universe is a microscopic gravitational monster that should allow nothing, particularly light, to escape from it, how is the observable Universe observable? A new view on the dynamics of spacetime as defined by its geometry might shed light on this.

8-star tetrahedron, radiating outward. Image source: Black Whole, Gaiam Productions
Haramein realized that the 64 tetrahedral grid could be broken apart into its square root, or lower fractal harmonic – 8 star tetrahedrons made up of 8 tetrahedrons each. These star tetrahedra, when pulled apart from the central grid, all radiate outward.

8 star tetrahedron come together at the singularity, forming the 64 tetrahedron grid. Image source: Black Whole, Gaiam Productions
When they come together in the middle at the singularity, some of their radiating faces point inward towards the singularity, producing the 64 tetrahedral grid that both radiates and contracts simultaneously.
You may have noticed at this point that this geometry seems to represent a static model of Reality; the Universe is of course a dynamic system, constantly flowing, changing, evolving. What causes this model to become dynamic?
Perhaps the most common characteristic of everything in the Universe is a property called spin. Everything in the Universe spins, from smallest measurable subatomic particles to the largest observed galactic structures. What causes everything to spin?
Physicists generally assume that spin just happens, or that it occurs in a frictionless environment due to the initial momentum of the Big Bang. Of course, the Universe isn’t frictionless. There is gravitation exerting itself on cosmic bodies, there is viscosity within planetary bodies like Earth; the sun, for example, has many different layers that create enormous amounts of friction between them. So there must be a fundamental force, or torque, within the fabric of space which causes this spin, continuous for many billions of years, overpowering the shearing friction inherent within the Universe.

Tensegrity within the cuboctahedron
The Coriolis Force can be explained giving the Earth’s rotation as an example. In order to spin uniformly as it does, the Earth must spin faster at the equator than at other latitudes because a full rotation at the equator covers more distance. Similarly, if you fired a cannon from the equator toward the north pole, though traveling in a straight line through the air the cannon ball would curve towards the east, or to the right from your perspective, even though the Earth is also rotating to the right underneath it. This is because as the cannon ball travels north, the rotation at higher latitudes slows down considerably.
Haramein devised a dynamic geometrical model of the Universe where the central singularity at any given point is simultaneously radiating and contracting. As shown earlier, two polarized four-frequency isotropic vector matrix “marry”, forming vector equilibrium. If you surround each matrix with a toroidal field, the resulting marriage of the two combined with the coriolis affects of spin create a dual torus configuration, with the cuboctahedron, or vector equilibrium, at its center.
As mentioned earlier, the cuboctahedron has an inherent functional instability, exhibiting a property called tensegrity (above, left) due to its quadratic surfaces. This allows the structure to “fall” out of balance and “bounce” back into balance, creating a dynamic, pulsing structure where collapse and expansion – gravity and electromagnetism – complement each other, emanating from the same spacetime manifold. When torque and coriolis effects are applied to this collapsing and expanding structure, a twisting dual torus manifold of spacetime is produced, with all matter and energy continuously created by the vacuum singularity.

The dual taurus spacetime manifold
As the image to the right shows, energy radiates outward from the singularity, where its space-time curvature begins to pull the energy back towards the center. Coriolis forces act on this energy as it gravitates back towards the singularity, with the two polarities spinning in opposite directions, just as weather patterns on Earth move in different directions depending on what hemisphere you’re in. The inherent twist that torques spacetime and creates spin is caused by the increase in density gradients as matter and energy return to the singularity. Like water going down the drain, as energy approaches the singularity, the increased density causes it to spin faster and faster, approaching the speed of light, until it reaches the vacuum/singularity at the center, where enormous centrifugal forces radiate it back outward, repeating the cycle.

Composite of 25 SDO images taken from April 2012 to April 2013. Image credit: NASA

The electro-magnetic field of Earth
This model is perhaps most prevalent on a galactic scale, in particular spiral galaxies. At the center, a supermassive black hole – singularity – with energy/matter radiating out its central disk, which gives way to a halo that appears to outline the path of this dual torus geometrical structure, circling back around towards the center.
As this model would predict, the galactic bulge and disk contain what are known as Population I stars, which are young-to-middle aged; the youngest are found in the immediate neighborhood of the central black hole. In the outer halo we find Population II stars, which are almost as old as the Universe and usually dead or dying. By this simple understanding it seems apparent that as matter and energy are being radiated from the singularity at the galactic center, new stars are formed. By the time they reach the outer halo and begin to be pulled back toward the singularity, they have approached the end of their lifespans, many billions of years old, and begin returning to the source.

M104, or the Sombrero Galaxy, with its distinct halo.
Many supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies, such as Centaurus A, left, contain galactic jets blasting superheated plasma from both of its poles at near the speed of light. This may seem out of sync with this theory, since the poles are where the dual torus manifold shows energy gravitating inward toward the singularity. But consider, that as water spins faster and faster down a drain, you might not notice, because it is invisible to you, air is being ejected back out.

The tetrahedral structuring of the “Local Group” galactic supercluster
At quantum fractals and below, this structure explains the existence of the virtual particles which create the infinite energy of the vacuum. The singularity that exists at all points continually radiates or fluctuates energy, which because of gravity accretes back into the vacuum, repeating the process infinitely. The boundary condition, the point of equilibrium between the radiative and contractive forces of the singularity, is the event horizon, which on the quantum octave we experience as matter – as the stuff we perceive as our everyday experience.
Experiments have shown that junk food is so addictive, that rats raised on junk food, when suddenly given a diet of pure, whole food, will starve themselves to death rather than eat real food. Similarly, we are so addicted to our junk culture and junk society that we are repulsed by any awareness of the infinite within us, of anything truly special about our nature that might draw us away from our addictions and towards a higher understanding and purpose. Thus for the average person, knowledge of this information wouldn’t have very much meaning.
One cannot focus on the mishaps of sociopaths and socialites, on mega-corporate sporting events, on trying to out-consume and impress your peers, many of whom you don’t even like, when you fully grasp that you are, literally, infinite. Within you and everything you are made of, there are infinite, fractal, holographic, hyperdimensional divisions of space, with every singularity a source of infinite energy. We exist within this enormous ocean of energy because we are not in it, we are it – it is the fundamental Source for all that exists.
It certainly doesn’t help that establishment science falls prey to all of the old entrapments that have stunted human progress for thousands of years, these old, dogmatic ways of thinking, and an overall lack of imagination. Those, like Bohm and Haramein, who try to advance Man’s understanding of the Cosmos by injecting new, radical and exciting ideas into the discussion, do not find their arguments countered by respectful debate, polite explanations on differences of opinion, such as the animated but respectful “feud” between Einstein and Niels Bohr. Like the Church before them, establishment scientists are the new viceroys through which the Deity speaks. And like Copernicus and Galileo, those who stray from the Gospel, who lead astray the sheep, too ignorant to be trusted with free thought, are dismissed out of hand, figuratively burned at the stake as scientific pariah, dismissed as quacks, never to be taken seriously, much less receive funding. All of this as they try to keep their own observations from dragging them violently out of their comfortable little womb of what they think of as logical, possible.
Fortunately for us, the new heretics work and operate in an information age, where ideas cannot be so easily suppressed, and great innovators cannot so easily be deprived of funds and destroyed. Thus, this understanding of Reality is gaining traction, and a new consciousness is emerging. Those of us unplugged from culture, society, “civilization”, view Reality in its totality, as One inseparable entity, so that the “other” is indistinguishable from the Self, and thoughts, intentions, and actions are tangible and cannot affect part without affecting the whole.
If the information presented here is new to you, you may find yourself gravitating towards a spiritual view of Reality. This, it seems to me, is actually a mechanism of the ego, trying to trap your perception within its net of abstractions. Reality is neither spiritual or material, neither subjective or objective; Reality is. Period. The best you can say is, like the Buddhist metaphor, any knowledge of nature you attain is a finger that points at the moon – don’t focus on the finger, or you can’t see the moon. The question is, is the moon even there when you’re not looking at it?
Source: Conscious Resonance
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