The ‘mums’ claim to have given birth to half-alien children who live with their fathers on giant spaceships – and claim other women simply don’t realise it.

A group of women are claiming they have children which were fathered by alienswho live with their dads on giant spaceships – and described their sexual encounters with them as the ‘best they’ve ever had’.
The ‘Hybrid Baby Community’ believe aliens have been harvesting their DNA to create children that combine the best of both human and alien characteristics over a period of several years.
According to two women who claim to have mothered children with aliens, the conceptions happen either through artificial insemination or real sexual encounters.
Former marketing executive Bridget Nielson and video game designer Aluna Verse claim that between them, they have had 13 children with aliens.
Indeed Bridget, 27, said the sex was the ‘best ever’ and that thousands of women around the world are missing out on such experiences because they have actually had hybrid children with aliens – but don’t realise it.
She refutes claims pointing to a lack of evidence of such encounters, saying the extra-terrestrial creatures only take women who, on some level, ‘want to be taken’.

Although she lives with her father in the USA in Sedona, Arizona, she claims to have had regular contact with aliens and now has 10 hybrid children – four boys and six girls.
She said: “They are not just taking our children – they are creating a hybrid race to better humanity.”
The ‘mums’ have produced drawings of what their hybrid children look like and while sone have human characteristics, most display reptilian features with big black eyes.
Recalling a sexual encounter with an alien on board a spaceship, Bridget said: “It was a great.
“It was an incredible super primal, super raw, super primal sexual experience.
“There was a really freedom and we were really going for it. It was the best sex I ever had.”
Speaking about her own conception, ‘mum-of-three alien children’ Aluna, 23, from Los Angeles, added: “I was in a classroom setting with other humans.

“All of sudden I’m sat next to this green reptilian creature and immediately I’m so sexually turned on looking at this being.
“I was very surprised. We’re making love in this classroom in front of everyone. Everyone turned their attention to us.”
She continued: “It sounds crazy and people have asked if I’m off my meds. But this is really happening.”
Aluna says she was taken on board the ship in a ‘dream state’ and described the sex she had as one of her most ‘vivid’ memories.
Some of the women in the Hybrid Baby Community, which have members aged from 19 to some in their 60s, claim to have more than 10 children with aliens.
However, they never meet their children on Earth and Bridget said: “There is a sadness because you can’t be with them.

“We believe there may be hundreds of thousands of women across the world who have hybrid babies, they just don’t know about them.”
Because the women have chosen to be open about their encounters with aliens, most admit they have struggled in the real world.
Bridget has failed to tie down a relationship and her friends told her that coming clean would ruin her credibility for a future career in advertising and public relations.
Her own mother even rejects her story but Bridget said: “I don’t really have normal relationships any more. This has become my normal.
“I know people who are married or have boyfriends and when they tell them it goes down badly.”
The group believe aliens take people from the same family or gene pool, and that they are most interested in breeding with younger women.

Bridget, who says she lost one alien child to ‘devastating’ circumstances when it didn’t form properly, said aliens take womens’ eggs mainly on board their spaceships, but that it can happen on Earth.
She said she once saw a ship in the sky and, moments later, her ovaries ached.
For women who refused to accept they may have alien children, Bridget said there are certain things they can look for in their lives that might suggest otherwise.
She said: “There are signs that you can look for such as recurring dreams about doctor’s offices or classrooms, missing times or false pregnancies.
“These could mean you have hybrid children.”
The pair now have plans for a place where all the hybrid mothers can live together in the same home, to act as a safe place for their children to visit.

Bridget said: “It will be somewhere away from the cities, somewhere where the children can visit, run free and express themselves.
“People say we are crazy but we are not – this is really happening to us.”
Alien abductions have been reported ever since the early 1960s, when New Hampshire couple Barney and Betty Hill claimed a ‘flying saucer’ had kidnapped them.
Many claim to have been the subject of medical and scientific experiments while others say they were given messages warning about the future of humanity.
Celebrities who have claimed to have seen UFOs include singers John Lennon, Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Shaun Ryder, Robbie WIlliams and Errol Brown, former US Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, and actors Dan Akroyd, Russell Crowe and Danny Dyer.
Source: Mirror
1 Comment
June 10, 2017, 11:47 amvery incredible article well needed an open mind to deal with it ……very open.