“Thousands of people from other planets are living among us. Some are rebirths, some have come directly from their home planets in spacecraft.”
By Timothy Green Beckley – “Mr. UFO”
Howard Menger UFO Contactee
The following is an excerpt by Timothy Green Beckley from the new Global Communications book, “UFO Repeaters: Seeing Is Believing! The Camera Doesn’t Lie!” The book itself was written by Beckley and Sean Casteel and includes additional material by Scott Corrales and Tim R. Swartz, but the telling of Howard Menger’s story below here is solely Beckley’s own.
I have to admit that I am sort of predisposed to believing at least part of Howard Menger’s tales of meeting beautiful, highly advanced beings from other planets behind his home in what was once the sleepy farming community of High Bridge, New Jersey.
Truth is, I wouldn’t be hitting the keys of this computer so persistently if it wasn’t for Howard and his admittedly far out and sometimes outlandish stories of contact and communications with tantalizing Venusian gals and broad-shouldered Martian men.
It could all be a fantasy – albeit a beautiful one – but, as a kid listening to the crackling of the AM transistor radio under the covers late at night, it gave me something to believe in, to grab my attention, to propel me forward into a space/time continuum that seemed to promise great things for a planet that was itself just heading into the depth of space and looking to conquer the pathway to the moon and beyond.
I first heard Howard Menger on the Long John Nebel midnight-till-dawn “Party Line” show broadcast over the airwaves of WOR, a clear channel in those days that could be heard in over 20 states. It was in the mid-1960s, and I hadn’t even reached my teens, but I was hooked on flying saucers and tales of angelic-like aliens walking and living among us. In front of a panel that was very often harshly skeptical, the mild mannered Howard Menger – who looked like a soap opera star, his face perfectly chiseled – would spin yarns that would make the most susceptible listener scratch their head in puzzlement and awe. . . and maybe a bit of disbelief.
Though the majority of his contacts with “space people” took place far from the lamppost lights of the city, Howard was by no means a country boy. Howard’s folks came from Brooklyn, where he was born on February 17, 1922, and it was only at the age of ten that Howard’s mother and father decided a quieter, rural lifestyle was far more suitable for growing children, thus moving to the spacious, rustic property that was to become their homestead for years to come.
Menger claimed that a ten-foot diameter UFO landed close to him and his brother when they were children.
Well, quiet might not be the most appropriate word when you consider that Howard and his brother loved to romp in the pastures and over the hills, just like any young tykes would love to do. The only difference? On several occasions, the youths maintained, they were cornered by weird objects resembling Buck Rodgers-like spacecraft that came out of the tree line, prompting them to run like the dickens. Strange as this was, matters got even weirder when, Howard claimed, a ten-foot diameter disc landed pretty darn close to them. Meanwhile, a larger object hovered overhead, as if to gauge their reaction to what was happening in front of their bewildered eyes. It was an amazing science fiction-like episode that might otherwise have been forgotten except that it was the beginning of a half century of amazing experiences for the little boy named Howard, who would grow up to be among the most famous contactees in America, perhaps second only to George Adamski. Howard was in many ways a bigger puzzle to all those who attempted to unravel the mysteries that seemed to surround him and his controversial claims of contact with extraterrestrials and shadowy figures who always seemed to be just on the fringes of the action, perhaps directing his moves and egging him on to be a bit more fanciful and provocative in his claims so as to gauge public reaction to the idea that aliens are walking the Earth right here among us.
But let us not get ahead of ourselves, as there is much to tell and a great deal to ponder.
Little by little, Howard, being more “sensitive” than his brother, started to venture out into the pastures and meadow-lands on his own. He noticed that he easily made friends with the smallest of beasts, such as squirrels and rabbits. He enjoyed the sounds and the smells of nature and found himself drawn to a specific spot near a slow-running stream that ebbed and flowed in back of his home. As he tells it, the sun was shining brightly on that day in 1932 – a day that was to change Howard Menger’s life forever and shape the belief patterns of many who were to be drawn in the years ahead to his uniquely divergent sense of reality.
The Venusian girl on the rocks as illustrated on the front cover of Menger’s book “From Outer Space to You”
“There, sitting on a rock by the brook,” Menger poetically reminisced in his memoirs The High Bridge Incident, “was the most exquisite woman my young eyes had ever beheld! The warm sunlight caught the highlights of her long golden hair as it cascaded around her face and shoulders. The curves of her lovely body were delicately contoured . . . revealed through the translucent material of clothing which reminded me of the habit that skiers wear.” To say that the young Menger was more “unworldly wise” than his age would seem to allow is no minor point to bring up when relating his life’s most impacting moments.
Though Howard might have had every reason to be at least momentarily blown away by the appearance of this woman, who seemed to have just dropped in from nowhere, he reveals that he was not in the least frightened, “but was overcome by an overwhelming sense of wonderment” which nevertheless made him freeze in his tracks.
Howard continues by explaining that the lady on the rock “turned her head in my direction. Even though very young, the feeling I received was unmistakable. It was a tremendous surge of warmth, love and physical attraction, which emanated from her to me. Suddenly, all my anxiety was gone, and I approached her as one would an old friend or loved one. She seemed to radiate and glow as she sat on the rock, and I wondered if it were due to the unusual quality of the material she wore, which had a shimmering, shiny texture not unlike but far surpassing the sheen of nylon. The clothing had no buttons, fasteners or seams I could discern. She wore no makeup, which would have been unnecessary to the fragile transparency of her camellia-like skin with pinkish undertones. Her eyes, opalescent discs of gold, turned their smiling affection on me with a tranquil luminescence.”
“Howard.” The woman spoke the little boy’s name and he trembled with joy. “I have come a long way,” she said and then paused, smiling, “to see you and to talk with you.” As long as he lived, Howard said, he could never forget those first words exactly as she spoke them; but “then my thoughts swirled in a maelstrom of emotion and slowly coalescing understanding as she continued to talk. Nobody had ever spoken to me as she did. She talked with me as if I were much older. She said she knew where I had come from and what my purpose would be here on Earth. She and her people had observed me for a long time and in ways I would not quickly understand. When she spoke of her ‘people,’ I still could not understand they were from another planet; as I listened in awe, my eyes delighted in feasting on the beauty of this lovely creature. Every movement of her body, as she stood up and walked toward me and reached out her hands to me, was a symphony of rhythm, grace and beauty. I seemed to be encompassed by the very glow, almost visible, that emanated from her presence. Somehow the entire area surrounding us appeared to take on a greater kind of radiance. I have often tried to describe it as like seeing a Technicolor movie in three dimensions and being a part of the action in the film.
“Again she pronounced my name and reassured me she knew who I was, ‘from a long, long time.’ And then some words that have taken on even more joy and meaning as I have grown older: ‘We are contacting our own.’ She told me that even though I did not understand many of the things she told me, later in life I would. Her words would be impressed on my mind – I suppose she said “subconscious” – but it was difficult, as she said again, to make me understand. I remember that she compared the idea to that of a phonograph, which would be played back to me time and again. “It is no fault of yours, Howard, that you cannot understand everything. Do not worry.” And she laughed musically. She continued to speak to me as if I were an adult. Time has dimmed many of her exact phrasings, but the ‘phonograph’ has played back the ideas, each ‘replay’ taking on more and more meaning. Some of the actual words were beyond me, for they were words that meant nothing to a ten-year-old: ‘frequency…vibration . . . evolvement.”
Howard maintained that the lady on the rock seemed to know every thought that he had in his head. But, as she spoke, a look of sadness came over her face. Howard says he grew at that point not to envy her as she spoke of grave changes, destruction and torment to move as a dark cloud over the country and the world. “As you grow older, you will learn of your purpose,” the alluring lady in the translucent, tight-fitting garb intoned dramatically. “And you will grow to help other people learn of their purpose as well.”
I mean, come on now! How can you go away without being incredibly touched by this account as given by an adolescent who should be reading the Hardy Boys finding himself mixed up with some Gypsy Rose Lee from outer space?
The lady told Menger that she would see him again but that it might not be for a long while. Trying to keep the spark in his heart alive, Howard said he returned to the same spot time and time again, hoping to rekindle their friendship, but the lady did not reappear. As the months and years rolled by, Howard confessed, the spot near the brook seemed to have lost its power to attract the boy who was now growing rapidly into manhood.
But Howard was soon to learn the incredible – that he would never truly be alone the rest of his life, for the world “out there” was rapidly closing in on him, and the lady on the rock was only the first of many strange episodes in his life involving phenomenological lifeforms.
Being a patriotic American, when his country called, Howard was happy to serve. But, while never one to be non-personable, Menger found that he had little in common with his fellow GIs. While they wasted no time in wanting to shoot the breeze, play craps and drink whatever alcohol was handy, Howard was drawn to more esoteric activities. While on leave, for example, he says he was content with window shopping, taking long walks and doing a bit of people watching. It was the latter that led to some interesting adventures in interplanetary communications.
While south of the border, Howard was trying to catch a taxi when he noticed there was already someone in the cab he had hailed. The gentleman in the backseat had blonde, shoulder length hair and was all too happy to open the door for him. Howard backed off, thinking the situation a bit peculiar. And it became even more so when Menger realized the passenger was attempting to speak to him but his lips were not moving. No! Better not get into that taxi, Howard. You have no way of knowing for sure where it might take you.
Later, it was confirmed to him that the man in the Mexican livery was “one of them.” It was not unusual, his unearthly contact explained, for them to hang out in Mexico, as they had been doing so since the time of the great Aztec empire. There they taught those brave young men “some of the secrets that had to do with the use of sound and light necessary to produce power and run machinery.” This individual explained to Howard that they had been selected for a series of ongoing contacts and that, while superior in many ways, these beings were not infallible and had deep emotions just like earthlings. And while they revealed in true prophetic terms that Howard’s life might be in danger while in the military, they said it would never be necessary for him to have to kill another living individual. This part of their otherworldly prediction seemed momentarily inaccurate when Howard was attacked by a burly Japanese soldier who came at him with a razor sharp bayonet, cutting a hole in his tent in the middle of the night. Quick on the draw, Menger started blasting away. The Japanese soldier was injured by a blast of fire from Menger’s service weapon, but the enemy was not mortally wounded nor were his two other companions.
It seemed that everywhere he went, Menger was bumping into “them.” It was widely thought that aliens from space would have to be monstrous in appearance. But these people were not. If anything, they were a bit more delicate then we are. Were opposed to war. Didn’t consume meat and believed in the sanctity of each individual and professed a love for the Creator. Surely, they looked human enough, but there was just something odd about their appearance – something a bit “off” perhaps – that convinced him these visitors meant what they said when they claimed to be from other neighboring planets. They intimated that they had selected Howard to become a “contactee” because he had some of the same benevolent qualities about him that they had.
Space ships were supposedly coming on a regular basis.
Returning back to the same area of New Jersey after the war, Howard’s contacts increased, and so did the sightings of their craft. He met them in his home as well as outdoors in several remote rendezvous spots where he had been told to go. One was a “landing field” in Pennsylvania where he would see their craft touch down several times. On a number of occasions, he carried a camera with him to record some of their aerial activities. He even managed to get several still photographs of the beings approaching him against the lit up hull of their craft, creating eerie shadows and figures which some have tried to say were “painted in” because, after all, Howard was a sign painter and could create all sorts of effects against the right backdrops. This was, however, years before the creation of the “blue screen” effect and I don’t think Howard was quite sophisticated enough to create such special effects. Still photographs are easy to fake, 8mm and 16mm footage quite a bit harder back before Photoshop and the age of computer enhancement. Plus there was the fact that Menger was not alone in reporting extraterrestrial craft and their occupants around the town of High Bridge, New Jersey.
Menger even took 8 and 16mm home movies of the visitors.
In fact, people were coming from far and wide to meet Howard. Some of them went away impressed and feeling he was the real McCoy, while others felt he was definitely trying to pull the wool over the eyes of a public fascinated with space travel and UFOs. Not only that, but there were others – some of whom did not even know Howard – who professed to have met the space people and undergone incredible experiences of their own right near where Howard lived, some while walking about in the now famous apple orchard behind the Menger’s home.
In 1958, Howard married Connie, who still lives in Vero Beach, Florida, where they had gone to retire. But the couple ended up “holding court” again, as well as starting up their sign painting business once more, this time with the assistance of their grown children.
But we are getting a bit ahead of our story – and a fascinating one it will continue to be. Yet to come was a supposed trip to the moon, the invention of a disc-shaped craft that could fly without rocket fuel, a career as a radio and TV guest acting on behalf of the Space Brotherhood, the promotion of a highly successful outdoor UFO conference, and authoring a controversial book entitled FROM OUTER SPACE TO YOU, which created so much of a stir that Menger found himself backtracking away from telling about his experiences with extraterrestrials. There were hints now that something perhaps a bit more sinister and strange had taken hold of him, and he had become an unwilling – or perhaps all-too-willing – pawn of the military industrial complex.
Had Menger fallen into the hands of the silence group? There is much more to be said as we become even more deeply wound up in telling our story.
Long John Nebel
Long John had a voice and a personality and a way of doing things that was unique. He started out as a sidewalk pitchman, became an auctioneer and finally turned up on Broadway in the studios of WOR from midnight till dawn on his “Party Line Show” with some of the most incredible guests the world has ever known. He might have been the first all night talk show host in America and certainly was the first to use the phones to pose questions to his guests live over the air. At first, it was a one-sided conversation where the caller would ask the guest a question, but only Long John could hear it. Long John would then repeat it over the air to his guest and his assorted panel of “experts,” who all took diverse views on whatever the topic of the evening was going to be.
Later on, the beeper system was developed, and two-sided conversations went LIVE in all 30 states where Long John was heard . . . and we’re talking about hundreds of thousands of listeners in a time when everyone normally went to bed long before midnight. Hell, “The Tonight Show” wasn’t even on the air yet and CBS’s “The Late Show” – which broadcast a full-length movie every night – went off around 1 a.m. the latest. It was dead air and dead silence, and good night till around 6 a.m., when the airwaves started to hum again. But then came Long John and his Friends from Outer Space. America’s sleeping habits would be changed forever – just ask Art Bell and George Noorey, whose careers would not have been so easy if it wasn’t for a man who stood six feet-seven inches tall.
And the tales that he aired on a regular basis were as tall as the man who broadcast them, perhaps even a bit taller, as we shall see.
Long John never said he believed any of the stories told him and his audience. “I don’t buy that,” he relished saying, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t use a particular guest to boost his ratings. He must have had some inkling that, after midnight, there is a little bit of paranoia in all of us and he profitably tapped into those feelings. Nebel was the first radio show host to be given a salary of a hundred thousand dollars annually, the equivalent of what Mickey Mantle was making over at Yankee Stadium just a short subway ride away.
George Adamski
There was George Adamski, who said he had met Orthon, a long-haired space visitor from Venus, in the desert near Sun City, California.
The Mystic Barber, who wore an antenna on his head to protect himself from the bad vibes of the bad space people and who everyone thought was a complete whack job. And he was, but a nice man just the same who had a reputation for giving the best haircuts in his Brooklyn neighborhood.
Stuart Robb, who talked about the prophecies of Nostradamus before anyone else did, could pick up the voices of the dead on his reel to reel tape recorder, and had proof that Shakespeare did not write any of those plays, couldn’t read or write, but offered a safety net for Francis Bacon, who really penned these incredible works.
There was Gray Barker, who told about Albert K. Bender being silenced by the Men-In-Black and who later published, in hardback, Menger’s “FROM OUTER SPACE TO YOU,” only to have Menger blow off the opportunity to promote the book and instead decide to change his story in midstream.
Jim Moseley, publisher of “SAUCER NEWS,” which later morphed into the satirical “SAUCER SMEAR,” before the days when he became the acknowledged “Court Jester” of UFOlogy.
And even the mighty visionaries, like science fiction’s Arthur C. Clark and the Great One himself, Jackie Gleason, who stopped by the Times Square studio of WOR from time to time to discuss UFOs and to voice his opinion that contactees were charlatans. He once agreed to go for a ride onboard a flying saucer, but I guess the Space Brothers passed him by because he never made it to the far side of the moon like the man who became Long John Nebel’s biggest drawing card claimed he did.
Howard and Connie Menger
Howard Menger was, for all intents and purposes, the East Coast version of George Adamski, except that Menger’s accounts seemed a tad more believable, there was at least some scant independent evidence that something pretty unearthly was happening on Menger’s property in the Garden State, and, finally, his ability to communicate a good story was heads above any of the other contactees, who mostly resided on the West Coast, thus giving Menger an uncluttered field to operate in.
And operate he did. Howard’s contacts seemed to take on a life of their own. On weekends, dozens of cars headed for the open road in order to pull into one of Menger’s fields and speak with him personally about what had been going on when the sun went down and the heavens came alive with shooting stars and the flickering lights of the flying saucers.
And the stories did get wild – they seemed to have no boundaries. But the public ate them up and Howard Menger became, in his own right, a star with his 15 minutes of fame long before that amount of time was allocated to anyone and everyone by the highly-hyped artist Andy Warhol.
Long John’s questions came fast and furious. Nebel would often try to trip up his guests, but Howard either outfoxed one of the greatest fox hunters of all time because he was smooth and polished or because he totally believed in what he was saying. You can decide (or just maybe you can’t) by reading the following interview that Howard did around this time period.
Q. What is a flying saucer?
A. An interplanetary space craft.
Q. Where do these come from?
A. From other planets in this system, such as Mars, Venus, Saturn; also from planets outside this solar system.*
* There are also space craft, though of inferior design, which are built by people of this planet. These people are in communication and in service with people from other planets. They are people who possess a high spiritual understanding and have reached an awareness of natural law; therefore they have been entrusted with information enabling them to construct such a craft.
Q. Who has seen them?
A. Thousands of people all over the world.
Q. What do they look like?
A. Saucer-shaped (as the name implies), disc shaped, bell-shaped and so on. They may often appear to take on different shapes and colors due to the magnetic fields surrounding them.
Q. Where do we see them?
A. In flight, in the sky all over the world. They land only in secluded areas where they may contact people without attracting attention.
Q. How fast do they fly?
A. In the Earth’s atmosphere, they travel in excess of 20,000 miles per hour; outside the Earth’s atmosphere, they can exceed the speed of light.
Q. Has anyone seen them land?
A. Yes, many people have seen them land – such as myself, and countless others who have not told of their experiences.
Q. Do they have people in them?
A. Yes, physical beings like ourselves operate the craft.
Q. Do the people get out?
A. Yes, when they need to make contact or gather information.
Q. What do the people look like?
A. They are humans and look just like we do, excepting their manner of dress. They have solid physical bodies.
Q. How many people are aboard a flying saucer?
A. I have never seen more than six in one craft; however, they can travel in units of 3-6-9, or 4-8-12, depending on the planet from which they originate, or the polarized balance of the people in connection with the mechanics of the craft traveling through space.
Q. Do the people say anything or communicate in any way?
A. They communicate telepathically and orally with whomever they may contact.
Q. What do they say?
A. They say they come in love and compassion for us, their brothers, to help us to help ourselves to reach a higher understanding of life and its meaning.
Q. What language do they speak?
A. They have their own language, unintelligible to us because of the higher frequency and different harmonics in the tonal scale; however, they can speak any language on Earth after a short period of study aided by electronic instruments.
Q. Do they indicate where they have come from?
A. Yes, usually. The ones who have contacted me have come from Mars, Saturn, Venus and probably Jupiter.
Q. Do they seem peacefully disposed towards us?
A. They say no man can leave his planet with the purpose of conquering or controlling another world. They are not hostile. They come in love and service to the Infinite Father.
Q. Did anyone ever see a craft take off?
A. Yes, hundreds of people have seen them take off and have ridden in them.
Q. Do the craft make any noise?
A. None audible to our physical ears.
Q. Are there any pictures of craft taking off?
A. Yes. I have color movie films of craft taking off and landing, people getting out and stepping into the craft. I have Polaroid shots of the same, which will be shown in the future.
Q. Is the viewer of a craft affected in any way – emotionally, physically or mentally?
A. What happens is that we ourselves may unwittingly cause our own fear or panic. Some cases have been reported where an individual got too close to the craft while the power was still on.
Q. If there are such craft in our skies, why are they not a more common sight, such as our regular aircraft?
A. First, they are not our regular aircraft; second, they are considered alien to our skies; thirdly, it has to be a slow process in reaching the people because of the hostile nature of this planet.
Q. Why don’t they make proper visits through channels of government, or mass meetings and landings?
A. Mass landings, great displays, and the like would only cause confusion. The military would be involved immediately; the governments of the world would be in turmoil, each seeking its own advantage. There would be hysteria and, possibly, panic. And so, in the interest of humanity, the space people approach us cautiously. Incidentally, space visitors do not have identification papers and passports. If we now investigate and counter-investigate every suspected alien who might be suspected of being a foreign agent, what would we do if confronted with people who are entirely new, strange and alien to our planet?
There would be endless investigations and controversy, and the work and message the space people have come to deliver would be snowed under by red tape. I doubt whether they have the time or inclination to play this silly Earth game of intrigue and counter-espionage. So they come directly to the people, by contacting their own; and the people will learn of them over a period of time – gradually, without fear, panic, or censorship. Every great movement has always started with the people, and that is where the story belongs: with the people.
Q. If they can speak our language, why don’t they come among us and announce themselves, as we would do if we went to another planet?
A. They have tried, but people would not believe them – mainly because they look and act like us and are not monsters with six or eight arms.
Q. How long have they been coming into our atmosphere?
A. For thousands and thousands of years.
Q. Why don’t they tell us about the wonderful experience of space flight?
A. They have, through certain people, and these certain people are willing to listen and believe whether or not they see; and also some of the information divulged must be kept secret.
Q. What is the place of the space people in the cosmos – do they come from different dimensions?
A. They are spiritual beings, like ourselves, using physical forms adapted to their own planets. There is time around their planets within their atmosphere just as on Earth; but there is no time in space.
Q. Is this their first or early beginning of flight into space?
A. No, they have been traveling in space for thousands of years.
Q. How do they regard us?
A. As brothers. They love us.
Q. Why do they come here – what is their purpose?
A. To try to awaken within us a yearning for higher understanding so we can help ourselves in preventing any further destruction of our planet, which could conceivably have a bad effect in our solar system. It is about time we grew up as a humanity.
Q. What planets are they coming from?
A. From Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and some planets outside our own solar system.
Q. Are any craft coming from beyond our solar system?
A. Yes. And some mother ships have come from distant galaxies.
Q. What are the main different types of craft?
A. Discs are remotely-controlled objects sent out from the masterships, to record thoughts, emotions, feelings and other conditions of the people in the area; also to detect hostility before landing. Some of these recordings are used for future contacts with the individuals concerned. These discs range in size from eight inches to more than eight feet in diameter. Bell-shaped Saturnian craft are about 509 feet or so in diameter, 18 to 20 feet high; metallic, grey, somewhat flatter in appearance than a Venusian scout ship. A Mother Ship or Carrier is elliptical, cigar-shaped or egg-shaped. They have been reported up to 3,500 feet in length; however, there is no limit to their size. Green Fire Balls are a means used by space people to protect us from the effects of the atomic and hydrogen explosions in our atmosphere.
Q. What are other planets like? For example, Venus or Mars?
A. Venus is a planet slightly smaller than our Earth. It is in the stage that the Earth was in many thousands of years ago; young and healthy, with beautiful foliage, streams, forests, large bodies of water, mountains, and hills. As a matter of fact, there are some places in California today that resemble Venus. It is beautiful and verdant and a veritable paradise. There are also places in South America similar to places I have seen on Venus. They plan to keep their planet young, beautiful and healthy. Their atmosphere is very similar to ours, but the sun cannot penetrate it with destructive rays.
Q. Do they have governments, cities, country places, farms, gardens, factories, schools, etc.?
A. They do not have authorities or government officials of any kind. They live in peace and harmony and everyone knows what his or her particular talent is so that they work at that particular job – and they love their work.
FACTORIES: There are buildings where work is done, or where the craft are built; but the buildings are beautiful places and not like our factories at all. They receive no coin in exchange for work. Instead, they exchange talents, and everything is shared to the extent of their talents and desires and no one wants for anything. We work because we have to work. They work in service of their Infinite Father.
FARMS: They grow fruit and vegetables and flowers. They do not raise meat-producing animals since they do not eat meat. Animals roam free and complete their cycle of life naturally. They are not over-bred and over-produced for food.
SCHOOLS: There are schools of wisdom that children or adults can attend. Most knowledge is inherent in the children, since they are born with the knowledge of the past. Their education is their past learning, which they apply in their present life to gain wisdom for future use.
CITIES: They live in small communities, built in the forests and close to natural surroundings. They do not denude the land of all trees and shrubs and then build boxes. Their communities are kept small and usually contain no more than a few thousand people. They are spread out and decentralized.
Q. If well-known people have been contacted, why don’t they tell about their contacts?
A. Government officials in particular refuse to tell because it would upset our economy. The knowledge they have gained depicts an entirely different way of life. It is living under God’s law rather than man’s law. Most mechanical energy sources would become obsolete.
Q. Have all countries been contacted?
A. People in every country of this world have been contacted.
Q. Why do they contact only certain people?
A. Certain people are born with an awareness of truths within themselves, or they are reborn from another planet, in which case their own are contacting them and awakening within them that one small spark of truth so that they become the flame of truth. These people must have the courage of their own convictions and the ability to take it, for they will suffer ridicule and attacks.
Q. If they are coming here to help us, why are they concealing their identity?
A. They are not particularly trying to conceal their identity, and to those they have contacted they have revealed themselves.
Q. Are space people living here on the Earth among us?
A. Yes, thousands of people from other planets are living among us. Some are rebirths, some have come directly from their home planets in spacecraft. They may live next door to you. One of them may be your co-worker, the person who serves you in a store or a restaurant. They have one identifying trait: love of fellowman.
Q. Why don’t they tell us how to build a craft?
A. Because it is like giving a child a firecracker, an automobile or gun. We cannot live with ourselves, let alone trying to live with people of other planets. We would use this power to conquer. On other planets there are no wars – they would like to keep it that way.
Q. If, as some reports indicate, some of our airline pilots are seeing flying saucers and are said to be suffering from hallucinations or seeing weather balloons, why are they not fired since the safety of our flights depend upon the pilots?
A. Because authorities know the pilots are NOT suffering from hallucinations. They know the pilots are telling the truth, and saucers are being seen by too many airmen to adequately squelch the story.
Q. What is the average life span on other planets?
A. Eight hundred years.
Q. Have the space people brought us any picture or films of their home planets?
A. Yes. In the future, pictures taken on other planets will be shown here. These will include scenes of the planet, people, animals, etc.
Q. What kind of clothing do the space people wear?
A. On Venus and some planets, the women wear knee-length, billowing, tunic-like gowns of pastel colors, sometimes held by a jeweled belt. The women do not wear girdles, bandeaux, or any tight undergarments. The clothes are comfortable, airy, loose and beautiful, enhancing the contours of the female form. The men wear ski-type trousers, translucent and soft, something like nylon. The clothing both for men and women adjusts to the bodily heat so that it can keep them cool or warm as the temperature varies. A sandal-type foot gear is worn by both men and women.
Q. Do they have families, children? What is their social setup?
A. Two beings, when perfectly mated, stay together as long as their desire and mutual progress continue, sometimes for many of our lifetimes. They have children, and the children are loved by all. However the children mature at a very early age. Their social setup is communal. They share the goods of life with one
another. Yet, if it is their desire, they can have isolation and privacy at any time they wish.
Q. At what age do children reach maturity on other planets, such as Venus?
A. They mature in three to five years. A child on Venus shortly after birth is already equal to an Earth child of seven.
Q. Do they nurse their children?
A. Yes, the children are breast-fed in a few months, then are weaned on natural foods, such as fruit and vegetable pulp. They are not given animal milk.
Q. Do the children go to school?
A. They have communal-type schools or places where they are briefed on their own spiritual development. Most of their knowledge is within themselves and in such schools it is encouraged to develop.
Q. Do people work?
A. There is no work as we know it. They have advanced mechanics and apparatus that do the work quickly and efficiently. All services are voluntary and rendered with love. All products are shared. They do have buildings where people go to perform services, where the various conveniences of life are made.
Q. What is their religion? Do they believe in God? Do they believe in Jesus?
A. Their religion, or more properly, way of life, is serving their Infinite Father, and attaining more knowledge so they can serve their Creator to a higher degree. Jesus was one of them in the highest degree of development.
Q. What are their homes like?
A. On Venus, the buildings are dome-shaped and semi-translucent to permit light and color to enter. Some of the buildings resemble our own modern organic architecture.
Q. Can we go to the other plants and be accepted and live as they do?
A. Generally, no. We might, due to the differences in development and vibration, atmospheric pressures, etc., suffer a nervous breakdown. Some people from Earth, however, have gone physically to other planets aboard a craft and stayed there (not wishing to return); others have returned after a learning period or visit, to help their Earth brothers. Those who do return usually remain silent as to their experiences lest they be confined to a mental institution or suffer ridicule.
Q. Can a disc-type craft return to Venus without having to depend upon a mother ship to transport it back?
A. Yes, the craft has the ability to return to Venus on its own power without transport by a mother ship.
Q. What is the purpose of the mother ship or carrier?
A. The space carrier is used outside this system for extended trips into outer space. It transports cargo and equipment, along with many people.
Q. Can space people take goods or plants from here back to their own planets?
A. Yes. Many craft are sent here for specific botanical studies and take many of our plants back with them for study and transplanting.
Q. Can we transplant plants from their planets to Earth?
A. Yes. Plants can adapt themselves to the conditions of varying frequencies in time.
Q. Have some of our terrestrial plants been brought here from other planets?
A. Yes. Some of our plants have been brought here from space.
Q. Are the planets known by names different from the ones we call them?
A. Yes. In some cases. In other cases, planets are designated by symbols. Our Earth, for example, has a specific symbol.
Q. Do people from other planets have hair on their bodies as we do?
A. They are not as hairy. In some cases, however, when a person from Venus comes here, he will, after a short while, grow hair much faster than the ordinary Earth person. When they return to their own planets, they lose the hairy condition.
Q. Does the frequency of a planet affect the mental development of its people?
A. Yes.
Q. Are men and women equal in social level on other planets?
A. Yes. In fact, from a physical standpoint, it is more pleasurable to be a woman on other planets. Childbirth, for instance, is a thrilling and pleasurable event, not associated with pain or discomfort.
Q. What is the difference between a reborn and a reincarnated being?
A. A REBORN (or rebirth) is a being who has volunteered to come to this planet from a higher planet or dimension on a mission to teach his or her brothers and sisters and assist them in helping themselves gain more insight and understanding of the Universal laws of the Creator.
Q. Is it difficult for a reborn to understand the reasoning of Earth people? Is their reasoning or understanding different?
A. The reborn are usually masters or near-masters; therefore, it is not difficult for them to understand the Earth reasoning or its people; however, it is, at times, difficult to live among them.
Q. What is the difference between a master and a near-master?
A. A MASTER can do anything, but does not. A NEAR-MASTER (such as an adept) can do almost everything, and does. There is that small percentage of the ego still operating that prefers to demonstrate through the individual ego, rather than operate God’s law through many forms and people. A MASTER appears confused, but is not, among those who are confused, just to be one of them. A NEAR-MASTER appears calm and in control before the confused, and prefers to remain aloof from humanity.
A MASTER can leave (mentally and etherically) a group of people engaged in conversation at any time he wishes, without the people being aware of his spiritual absence, or partial absence, since a master can be several places at one time. A NEAR-MASTER can leave, mentally or physically, and appear before those people then, as a master.
A MASTER directs indirectly the laws of God through the confused people around him, because when they act on what they term as their own thoughts, these actions are recorded in their own subconscious and they then learn through their own mental processing what the master has known for centuries. A NEAR-MASTER directs throughout what HE knows as God’s laws and the beings in the physical illusion do what they think HE knows is right and do not learn as much. There are four real master in the world today. One is in the United States, one is in India, one is in Australia, and one is in South America.
Q. Are the master celibates?
A. No. God is married to the Infinite Universe. All masters are married. It takes a master to get married and perform physically that which is taken for granted that a master would not do. Sometimes it is a matter of choice. The sexual expression is one of the highest expressions of God, in that it takes in the sense of touch. When we speak of sex, we interpret it to mean physical union expressed through love and understanding – not sex as expressed for and by itself. Sex expressed purely on the physical plane for itself and its beings, perfectly combined in all areas, that is, in the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical, should be joined as one. Wedded incompatibility is the true adultery.
Q. What is a flashback?
A. A mental picture of an experience, or a feeling of remembering a place or lifetime on this planet or another planet. Only the brains and mental makeup of reborns can tune in to flashbacks. Certain granules in their brain cells, which are present by previous development, will respond to flashbacks.
Q. Why don’t we remember past lives?
A. The memory of past lives is trained out of us from childhood onward. Children’s fantasies, imagination and play are sometimes really flashbacks and/or regressive memory.
Q. How are the visitors trying to raise the mass consciousness of the people?
A. By various methods such as: a. Dissemination of saucer research data. b. Stories of contact with their own. c. Their signs in the sky. d. Mechanically by means of mental capsulation, and machines.
Mental capsulation can be projected by sound, color, vibration. A high-frequency sound can be a mental capsulation; a song or a selection of music can be a mental capsulation. Music in the form of a mental capsulation helps push certain buttons in the mind and releases something which is there. However, because of the way we eat, think, and act on this third-dimensional planet, this knowingness is held dormant, sometimes through several lifetimes. Nevertheless, God’s laws shall prevail, and those who are due this release toward an awareness will have it when the time in the cycle of expression of this planet is ripe. The machines which send out super-sonic high frequency sounds use a man’s body as a terminal in conjunction with the mental capsulation. There are three terminal bodies in each state. The machines operate on a silent carrier wave.
Q. What is the Will of the Father and how can it be developed?
A. The will of the Infinite Father is to EXPRESS, in ALL dimensions, the love of the Infinite Father in ALL FORMS, COLORS, SOUNDS, TASTES, and EXPRESSIONS.
Q. Will there ever be an interchange of people, ideas and cultures between the planets in our solar system so that there will be a brotherhood throughout our solar system?
A. This is inevitable. You can delay God’s plan, but never stop it. Interplanetary brotherhood for Earth’s people is dependent upon the degree of decline of hostility and the degree of increase towards tolerance, love and good will toward our fellow men. The near-masters do not know of the masters, but the masters know of the near-masters, and of the reborn, who do not know of themselves as near-masters and/or reborn. This realization of one’s near-mastership usually comes somewhere between the ages of thirty and forty.
Menger allegedly took this photograph of a Venusian silhouetted against the bright light of its landed spacecraft.
Around the time Howard began to reach his stride, he suddenly grew silent. Noted UFO/New Age publisher Gray Barker had just issued “FROM OUTER SPACE TO YOU” in a deluxe hardback edition which featured an illustration on the cover that Menger had painted himself of the girl on the rock. Barker needed to recoup quite a bit of dough and, like all publishers, figured that the author would be more than happy to promote the work in all media, especially on the Long John Show where he could possibly sell several thousand copies. Nebel’s Party Line had just gotten onto WOR-TV in New York and Menger was invited on to hype the book.
He did show up, but his story had changed from that of fact to a possible work of science fiction. His space friends might have been imaginary. Perhaps he had been duped by secret agents – Russians? – into believing what was basically a lot of hogwash. Barker was ready to pull his hair out. Long John would probably have liked to put a hit out on him.
Rumor had it that Menger had been visited by the Men-In-Black and they had warned him for the safety of his family that he should tone this all way down. This does not seem out of the realm of possibility because, as we mentioned earlier, shadowy types were often seen in the vicinity of Menger while he told his stories. Some folks thought they might be space people themselves – others figured far worse.
At the time, I was publishing a monthly newsletter called “THE SEARCHLIGHT.” Being the journalist that I am, I tried to get Menger to comment on these stories. I wanted to know why he had copped out on Barker, Long John and those who wanted to believe his experiences were real and not fabrications. After all, how could such a seemingly sincere person be such a liar?
Menger did not talk to me for several years but he did send me some material which he hoped would shed some light on what was happening and why he was not “hanging out” in the limelight for the time being. In addition to Menger’s remarks, I tried to feel out those in the field who I thought might have some insights into this troubling situation.
The following are the notes that I collected – some of which I published – at the time.
Notes on the High Bridge Incident—A Turn of the Screw
After a spacecraft landed on Menger’s New Jersey farm, he photographed a Venusian woman as she walked toward him. Just after she touched her belt, she vanished in a flash of bright light.
Menger wrote in his book, “From Outer Space To You” (Saucerian Press, 1958), that he had met people from outer space on his farm in High Bridge, New Jersey. Later, while appearing on the Long John Nebel TV show, he backed away from many of the controversial statements presented in his book. As our readers know, even though we attack the subject of contact claims with a completely open mind, it doesn’t take much to know that many of the stories told by the contactees over the years leave a lot to be desired in the way of solid evidence. We now seem to have some additional information which might shed some light on the Menger claim in particular and on “contact” cases in general.
The following are extracts drawn from an eight-page letter sent by Menger on September 18, 1965, to a Colonel Jordan, United States Army (Ret.), who was then the City Clerk of Sebastian, Florida. At the time this letter was written, Menger was attempting to hold a three-day space convention with the help of the City Council. But because of “negative publicity” received from such then-active groups as NICAP and CSI, the council refused to pledge their full support.
Because of the length of this letter, we will not reproduce it here in full, but will give the bulk of the relevant parts of its text.
“I wrote a book, “From Outer Space To You,” (Fact/Fiction) based on an actual experience, which I accidentally stumbled upon in an isolated field to the rear of my property in High Bridge, NJ. These photographs (I took) I sent to a department in the Pentagon. It wasn’t long afterward that I was contacted and asked if I would cooperate in an experiment based on what I had inadvertently seen and project into this experience an expanded futuristic view of ‘things to come’ with their help and information. (I suppose they must have figured the only way to obtain my silence and cooperation was to put me on the ‘team.’) In other words, the ‘High Bridge Incident.’
“‘The High Bridge Incident’ was used as a gauge to indicate the people’s reaction to alien contact. You will think this not so strange when you consider that our astronauts today are being thoroughly conditioned and trained to meet any and every strange condition or situation they may face upon landing on an alien world! The psychology of human reaction to the strange and unknown, the utter desolation of hostile terrain, the complete isolation in the black void of space, and the awesome feeling of looking back at a dimly glowing globe called Earth, so distant, small . . . these are the feelings our astronauts must feel, conquer, control and cope with. Space Medicine is dealing with unknown factors and human reactions to them, and if our scientists sometimes obtain their much-needed information in bizarre ways, it is because they have only one known quantity with which to work, namely the human factor. Bearing this in mind, let us suppose they superimpose a hypothetical condition, based on truth, like a spacecraft landing in an obscure country town, and some alien creatures disembarking, giving messages of good will to a local yokel acting as ‘contactee’ . . . This would be one way of getting an index of human reaction . . . .
“I agreed to cooperate in the above experiment, and when the press picked up the story of flying saucers over High Bridge (and they were there and the people did see them – don’t ask me how or why) they really had a ball. They worked it up into a real sensation. However, all the publicity did not help me, my work, or my family, as I had little or no privacy left. But this was all part of it. I had to meet and talk to people. At first, I was a little shy and more or less tongue-tied, but after many lectures I gained in confidence and with the material and suggestions handed to me, I was able to carry on.
Menger claimed his outer space friends took him for rides outside of the Earth’s atmosphere. This photo was taken on the Moon and shows a spacecraft landing near a dome-shaped building.
“Yes, I was handed a specimen that was claimed to be a potato from the Moon Base. It’s the finest piece of dehydration you have ever seen on Earth to date. There is no dehydration plant that can safely dehydrate a whole specimen . . . .
“I never said I married a Venusian. My wife never said that she came here in a spaceship from Venus. She was born in Elizabeth, N.J. In my own UFO investigations, I have come across many accounts of aliens claiming to be from Venus and being described as fair-complexioned with long blonde hair. In my own futuristic account of space, I mentioned a blonde Venusian woman, as does George Adamski in his book . . . I have remarked rather whimsically that my wife, who is small, fair and blonde, is a ‘Venusian type’ . . . The press really went to town on that and made money turning out copy.
“After the ‘High Bridge Incident’ had been widely publicized and the experiment was considered finished, I completely withdrew from all activities in saucer research. I refused to give lectures or show movies or speak to anyone about it. I had completed my mission. I wanted peace . . . .
“Whatever bizarre circumstances occasioned my entrance into the UFO field, it was with proper motivations and the desire to help that so involved me . . . .”
Mysterious Nordic spaceman Val Thor was photographed at Menger’s UFO conference.
Perhaps you will say that this account, given above by Menger, will add more confusion to the saucer picture than it subtracts. And, in all probability, you are correct. Were all the various contactees put on the “team,” as Menger says he was? Or did they have actual experiences? Perhaps, as Dr. Davidson has suggested many times, they were hoaxed, unknowingly, by the CIA or some other government agencies, into believing that they were talking with friendly space people and then relaying the space people’s “message” of good will and brotherly love to the general public. Perhaps Menger was smart enough to find out what was going on. But, just the same, how does one go about explaining the strange objects seen over High Bridge?
Saucers were seen. We’ve talked to some of Menger’s close associates, who say they saw UFOs landing near Menger’s home. One person even goes so far as to claim some sort of mental contact with the “visitors.” Or perhaps, as our own Staff Advisor, Harry Hoffman, suggests, this is merely an attempt by Menger to somehow connect the past with the present. Perhaps things, as Menger indicates, got too hot for him and, being unable to get one second of privacy, he decided that he had better change his story. These are all questions which remain to this date unanswered. Menger’s book (now out of print) has just been translated into French by Dr. J. P. Crouzet and has been published under the title of “My Friends, the Men from Space” in Paris by Dervy Livres Publishing Company. Presently, Menger is working on a new book which he says “will drop a few bombs in certain places.” But this may not be released for some time.
By Gray Barker, Publisher of “From Outer Space To You.”
After ten years or more of saucering, I’m afraid I’m a rather jaded individual when it comes to getting excited, but, very frankly, this statement from Menger interests me greatly. Although no doubt there is much fiction in many of the contactee accounts, I have always thought in my mind that SOMETHING actually happened to many of these “extremist” saucerers. I cannot say in all certainty that Menger is telling everything when he talks about the Pentagon bit, but it certainly does ring a bell somewhere in the corner of my mind.
After Menger’s book was published, you will recall that it was a source of some disappointment to me that, on a Long John Nebel TV appearance, Menger really backed down by saying that he wasn’t sure about some of the contacts.
Although I knew this wouldn’t help book sales, strangely enough here was the point where I began to take Menger more seriously than before. Especially after he had told me in a phone conversation that he was still contacting people but that he wasn’t quite sure whether they were from other planets or not!
Color photograph of what were alleged to be three Venusians, Val Thor on the right, his brother Donn in the middle and Jill. Taken at Menger’s Outer Space Conference in New Jersey.
You will also recall Dr. Leon Davidson and his many articles for “Saucer News” and “Flying Saucer Review.” Although “Dr. D.” had some pretty far out stuff, he did come up with an interesting accusation – that the CIA had set up some of Adamski’s contacts. He also accused my publisher of having been subsidized by some government agency. Well, like Ray Palmer, I had a “fact” here: I knew that I wasn’t working with any government setup and doubted very much that the publisher of “They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers” was. But Dr. Davidson did leave some suspicions in my mind.
In regard to Menger, I do know that nobody subsidized me in any way in publishing his book (except the thousands of people who ordered the book in advance of printing). Although I had contact with the FBI early in the Bender mystery days, and several disquieting contacts during the (Adamski-related) Straith Letter matter (also from the State Department), I have never had any contacts with the Air Force on saucers nor with any government agency which offered any sort of encouragement or subsidy.
And I still think that if you take Menger’s experience, add either encouragement of a government agency, or some other party besides himself, you will come up with a clearer picture of what may actually have happened. The same may well be true of Adamski.
Take Albert K Bender’s book, “Flying Saucers And The Three Men,” also. It could be an invention to cover-up, as sort of a red herring, something that may have happened involving government intervention.
As a publisher of various saucer books, however, I have tried to retain a completely open mind, as you have done, and much of what I have expressed above is at best only speculation.
Charles Marcoux, who has been a student of UFO matters and a follower of the Inner Earth and, more pointedly, the Shaver Mystery, since the very beginning, has some rather interesting comments regarding Menger that would tend to add some credibility to Menger’s claim that he was an agent for the Pentagon. These observations are in a seven-page report written on April 28, 1957, at the time Menger was lecturing in Michigan. Since the report is most lengthy, we will once again quote only its most important sections.
“At this lecture, Menger played a tape recording of a saucer sound as it ‘hovers and vibrates’ before landing. The sound was sort of a high-pitched whine which reminded me of the Atlantic communication system. It was also very similar to a hydroelectric generator. After this, the tape seemed to change to a high pitched Morse code effect . . .
“Menger in his lecture claimed that there were no monsters coming here in spaceships and any such things as Deros and subsurface races were hoaxes. I thus proceeded to question Menger further about this since I am very familiar with the Shaver Mystery and know there is a lot to it. He told me that if there were such things the space people would have informed him about them . . . .
“After I put the pressure on Menger, he sort of shrugged his shoulders and asked me if I didn’t think it better to be in contact with the higher forces than such low ones and proceeded to warn me to ‘watch my step’ . . . .
Two men watched Menger like a hawk about to pounce on its unsuspecting prey. They were silent and remained in the background.
“But perhaps the most unusual thing was the two men who traveled constantly with Menger wherever he went. After I left the meeting, one of the men (I believe his first name was Dave) asked me point blank, ‘Don’t you think that it would be better if you followed the higher contacts, rather than those lower ones, as Menger said?’ To this I replied that I could have knocked loopholes in everything that Menger had stated but that it wouldn’t be wise to do so on Menger’s field of battle. To this the fellow agreed . . . .
“These two men watched Menger like a hawk about to pounce on its unsuspecting prey. They were silent and did not noise about too much but instead remained in the background and let Menger hold the attention of the group. I knew that the money taken in from his lectures in the area did not cover the expense of the three persons and also keep up the cost of operating a five thousand dollar automobile . . . .
“A few weeks later, I was threatened by three men who attempted to force their way into my home. I cannot say for certain whether there was any connection between the two events but, following the Menger lecture, I also received a number of very strange notes and letters through the mail . . . .
“There is more that I could tell you, but think it not advisable at this time . . . .”
Comments By “Saucer News” Editor James Moseley
“I think you will agree that it certainly does take courage for a contactee, or anyone else, to change his story. Although I tend to disbelieve all saucer contact stories, we must admit that Menger is apparently sincere.
“I am almost ready to believe that the government DID put him up to his pseudo-contact stories, for reasons best known to themselves. Why should he, in effect, admit he was lying, when he could just as well stick to his old story or remain completely silent as he has done for a couple of years now? In other words, I really think he may have something.
“Longtime readers of “SAUCER NEWS” will recall that Dr. Leon Davidson has propounded the idea that UFOs are a hoax perpetrated by the Central Intelligence Agency. The letter from Menger to Col. Jordan sounds like he is expressing a view very similar to Dr. Davidson’s.
“I do hope he writes another book, as it sounds like it might contain some very interesting material . . . .”
Dr. Leon Davidson Comments
“My earlier opinions on this matter still apply, without adding or subtracting a word, as is indicated in my ‘Open Letter to Saucer Researchers,’ published in the March 1962 issue of ‘Flying Saucers,’ Ray Palmer’s magazine . . . .
“My view of the CIA involvement also remains exactly as I expressed in my article ‘Why I Believe Adamski,’ as published in the British ‘Flying Saucer Review,’ Jan-Feb 1960. The CIA contact man in the Menger case was, I believe, the ‘electrical engineer’ from Califon, N.J., whose identity is known to Richard Harpster, a reporter on a New Jersey paper.
“The recent activities of flying saucers may be linked to other and newer secret agencies than the CIA, such as the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency). As long as government money may be spent without public accountability, for reasons of ‘military secrecy,’ we can expect continued ‘psychological warfare’ as represented in the Menger case and its aftermath.”
Although Menger’s letter has brought to light a new possibility for many of the contact stories, this is not the first time that it has been suggested that the people contacted were in reality from this planet. In a “New York Daily News” column, written by Ben Gross on April 4, 1957, noted naturalist and author Ivan T. Sanderson suggests that agents from other nations may be behind some saucer contacts!
Ivan is quoted as saying: “Some of those who tell such stories can’t be dismissed as liars, psychotics or conscious charlatans. Menger, for instance, appears to be utterly sincere.
“All of these stories have certain similarities: the alleged spacemen appear only at night; their craft land in out of the way places; and they warn their contacts never to approach them while carrying any weapons, even flashlights.
“Furthermore, these space visitors preach a doctrine of brotherly love and are reported to harp constantly on the suggestion that we abandon our experimentation with atom and hydrogen bombs. Also, they are said to be giving secret instructions of some kind to their earth-people contacts.
“But most suspicious of all is this: Persons who say they have had contacts insist that occasionally they recognize ‘people from other planets’ working in our factories and riding along our highways in cars. How do they identify these individuals as being from outer space?
“Well, they tell you that this is a secret. But some have gone so far as to say there are hidden means of identification, including code words, involved.”
Sanderson goes on to say he is beyond the point of dismissing all such stories as fiction since “There is now quite a considerable mass of such reports. Some of these alleged contacts have been witnessed by as many as six persons at a time, in one case even a Princeton University physicist . . .”
To bring this story up to date, Ivan wrote us on February 4, 1966:
“Ben Gross and Long John were at that time deeply intrigued by and concerned with the drive behind the new rash of contactees, from a purely news point of view. Put it this way: there were either UFOs or there were not; assuming there were, where did the contactees fit in? And, if all they said was make-believe, why did they do it? In view of certain things that were definitely recorded, it was manifest that there must have been some very good reason for this drive because, if for nothing else, the amount of money these people were able to spend . . . .
“As for Menger’s claim that he was used or virtually employed by the government, I am afraid that I can have no comment. It amazes me that it should have been so claimed and I frankly don’t believe it. If true, it would seem to me that Menger is behaving in a most improper manner in so disclosing without official permission and he should therefore produce such permission.
“‘Howie’ Menger, whom I met at least fifteen years ago near here when he contracted to paint the road signs for my zoo, is, as everybody knows, a most likable chap, and I feel pretty confident in saying that he certainly never intended to harm anybody. Whether he was deluded, misguided or, frankly, blackmailed, I don’t know and nobody will ever know most probably; but, published stories (press clippings) show that he caused a tremendous disturbance for a couple of years, and there are those photographs. Both may have been pure ‘games,’ but as more experienced newsmen than I (like Ben Gross) pointed out: just how much money will you spend on games, and where in the heck do you get it? . . . .”
Dr. Berthold E. Schwarz, the Kindly, Credulous Psychiatrist
Over the years, a few of the more liberal-minded investigators of the phenomenon decided to give Menger’s accounts a second look. Timothy Good, the very popular British UFO writer, spent crucial time checking out Menger’s claims, found additional witnesses and was not afraid to include these accounts in his books. But, more than most others, one of Menger’s prime supporters was the late Dr. Berthold E. Schwarz, who received his M.D. from the New York University of Medicine and was a Diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, a Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and also of the Academy of Medicine of New Jersey.
Howard and Connie Menger outside their Florida home.
When Menger passed on February 25, 2009, Dr. Schwarz gave a very touching eulogy at Howard’s funeral service, making mention of those who not only respected Howard’s claims but actually might have participated in some sort of contact or sighting themselves, sometimes in the presence or vicinity of Howard or while they were out and about on their own.
In the heavily footnoted “UFO Dynamics” (Rainbow Books, ISBN: 0935834648), Schwarz recounts several incidents in which Menger apparently was somehow linked to the events in question.
In one case he recollects the time a couple were on their way to hear Menger speak when suddenly their radio apparently was “possessed” – or “taken over” might be a better way to phrase it – by a voice which stated: “It’s been reported that the British have communicated with a saucer in England and have made arrangements with the occupants.” It was a bulletin broadcast over WOR radio in New York. When the husband and wife arrived at their destination “the people there were also listening to that particular radio show, (yet) they hadn’t heard what we did! I could hardly believe what I had heard. I never had an experience like that before or since. A hoax would have been highly unlikely.”
In addition, Dr. Schwarz recounts how he interviewed a physicist from Princeton University who said he had seen “a noiseless disc three feet in diameter” in a rural New Jersey ravine near the home of Howard Menger. “The disc changed in color for approximately 15 to 20 minutes and was observed at a distance of 6 to 8 feet. The physicist was unable to offer a plausible explanation.” Another witness was present who added more details when he said, “A little light came out of the disc and circled around.”
The most remarkable of the cases discussed by Dr. Schwarz centers around the time one of Menger’s sons, then aged 12, was dying of brain cancer. The family had gathered around, having given up on doctors, and were down to using advice from the space brothers.
Let us quote directly from Dr. Schwarz’s text, which contains the statement of one individual who was present on this rather remarkable night: “We were sitting in the kitchen and the boy was in the other room with the nurse, who was on twenty-four hour duty. The sick boy then called urgently. His mother rushed into the room and we followed. The nurse took his pulse; it was very slow. The boy had a convulsion and a light started to show up above his bed. It began as a light blue and was about eight inches from the wall but not casting any light on the wall. It was like a bar of light. It pulsated and grew whiter and then it faded. The whole manifestation lasted about one and a half minutes.
“The nurse left to call the doctor . . . When the boy relaxed, the light was white. By the time the doctor came there was no light and the boy was all right. When I saw the light I turned my head sideways to make sure it was not an optical illusion which would travel with me, but it was still there . . .
“The night of the column of light, I saw four men in luminous uniforms. They were about three hundred feet away on a hilltop in the pasture. They stood in front of a dark grove of trees behind a fence. It was a moonlit night. They were on the edge of the rise and walking and flowing. If they were stooges, it would have been a very strange hoax. The sick boy’s mother was with us; the other children were too small to fake this. The contactee was in the house, as was everyone else whom we had met when we first came . . .”
During his illness, the son had other remarkable experiences which are recounted in “UFO Dynamics,” which I believe is one of the best books ever written on the high strangeness element apparent in many UFO cases. And it may be the only positive UFO book ever written by a psychiatrist with impeccable credentials.
Howard Menger claimed repeated contact with ETs.
I have tried to cover as much of the Howard Menger story as I possibly can. I have tried to present all the highlights as best as I remember them. And I am not blind to the fact that there are some inconsistencies in Howard’s recollections. He had made different statements on various occasions, even in his own “High Bridge Incident” book (privately published and co-authored by Connie Menger).
On one page we are told, for example: “Years ago, on a television program, when I first voiced my opinion that the people I met and talked with from the craft might not be extraterrestrial, it was thought that I had recanted. However, they (the aliens) said they had just come from the planet we call Venus (or Mars). It is my opinion that these space travelers may have bypassed or visited other planets (as we are planning to do) but were not native to those planets any more than our astronauts are native to the moon.”
Shortly after, we are hit with the following statement: “The authors believe that the underlying pattern of the UFO phenomenon is controlled by a central network from which contrived information, such as sightings, holograms, photographs, specimens and documented accounts are fed to the public. This central network consists of various top secret agencies in our government working with specialized personnel of the Army, Navy and Air Force in secret locations. But why is the public uninformed? The authors believe they know why but cannot prove it. Their main purpose is to let people know their side of the story, the story behind the story, and then let the reader decide the answer.”
Menger tried to market a free energy device whose design was given to him by his ET friends.
Menger even takes into account the notion that they could be other than extraterrestrial in the sense that we think of ET . . . that they could be life forms, time travelers or perhaps beings crossing time and space from some other dimension.
Connie Menger sums it all up quite beautifully when she states: “Despite the testimonies, witness accounts, photographs, movies and even specimens of dehydrated food samples, scientists will not and cannot accept any of the foregoing as proof of extraterrestrial visits. They would like to see and examine a landed craft, see and talk with the visitors, see and visit the planet of origin, inspect some alien artifact and obtain scientific information about their culture.
“The proof as required for scientific analysis was never really offered. The contactees, witnesses, abductees and others did their best to present the facts as they perceived them. They never had access to artifacts, books, language, culture, bodies or hardware. They did get a story, photos and a whole lot of philosophy. But perhaps that’s the way the visitors and government wanted it. The whole point, we believe, was to introduce the possibility of alien culture from other worlds through consciousness. Have you ever used flash cards to teach a small child numbers, letters or images? Maybe, someone is flashing images to us, a childlike humanity, in the hope that we will learn.”
And so it is – and so it was.
And, in conclusion, all we can do is repeat the words of Dr. Schwarz given at the end of the day – a day perhaps when Howard Menger passed over to a place full of peace and kindness, where some of the most vital questions of the cosmos could finally be put to rest at least for one of the most interesting individuals of our time.
Timothy Green Beckley – Mr. UFO
Source: (Spectral Vision)
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